Chapter 16

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Someone Point Of View

"Did you find them?" My heart started to race. This man's voice was orotund and dead. I am in front of a vicious Lion, waiting to snarl me once I make a wrong move.

I gulped.

"I'm afraid not yet, young master." I bit my lips in hope for it to stop trembling.

"Although I did gather some information about where they could possibly be, including some personal details about their family history." I added, trying all my best not to stutter.

My head was down and my sight was drop below me. My heart was racing, my sweats begins to drop, and my face started to pale.

Of all the job why? Why did I end up here.

"The Farrell's are known for their extraordinary potential when it comes to business. Their great great great grandfather Nikolas Adelio Farrell founded the Wela Empire which came from an old english word which means 'happiness and prosperity in abundance' that referred primarily to money and possession." I informed calmly before taking a deep breath.

"Nikolas soon found his wife which is Astrid Blare Irvine a direct descendants of the late king at the south eastern side of Enyx. They had two sons who soon continued to rule the Wela Empire and the Nile Palace which is now an old abandoned ruined. It is believed that this place is still under the protection of the Farrell's Current blood-line." I continued.

I really have to find a new job, talking is such a hard work.

"Three generation has passed and which they founded the ZFT Rising Corporation. The Z was added to honor the Farrell's first ever business the Zell Corp. their first marketing business that of course sells and create products that are some what useful. F that stands for fashion. Aureus and Elysian are only some of the two examples of famous brands that are under this corporation. And lastly the T which is the initial letter of Technology, this company focuses more on creating high-tech and new advanced technology such as devices, machines, and other tools that benefit and help to improve every individual's certain lifestyles and interests." I pause for a moment.

'Pero kung pagbabasihan naman natin ang kayamanan na meron sila, tiyak na mas lamang parin si young master.'

"The Farrells are known to be very private. They keep their life hidden and away from public not even before they started business. They also own different news platforms and websites that help them to block and delete unnecessary details and information that are connected to them." I explained. Trying to recall all the information I've gather.

"Xavier Lorcan Atticus Jade Farrell is now fifty six years old he manage the ZFT Rising Corporation with the help of his two brothers Tieran Laurent Farrell and Darko Leander Farrell. Over the past few years many believe that Xavier only has three sons but according to some source Xavier has one more. No one knows who it is or what he looks like. And after few years of hiding they finally made an appearance which is thirteen years ago. The introduction of their first female descendance." I added further.

"Who?" He asked.

'Tignan mo pati si boss tamad din magsalita.'

"Celeste Azora Rinchendra Farrell the only child of Azrael Luvian Caelestis Alexander Skyler Rince Farrell, Xavier's youngest son. No one knows where the child is now. Although she is believe to be the next successor of the Farrell's business. She will be turning sixteen tomorrow which is the first day of spring. She has a glamorous eye color with a mixture of pink and purple." I answered.

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