Chapter 01

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I Sat at the top of the stairs and listened to the angry screams coming from downstairs. " You can't leave me Harold! What about Amy? She can't leave her friends. I said I'm sorry. " she yells desperately. I could see the pain and guilt in her eyes. " She's leaving with me. She doesn't need to be around a woman who can't act her age " he snaps back at her pissed. He motioned his arms around in agrrivation. " Don't you fucking dare walk out that door Harold. Don't you fucking do it. Or I'll make sure you regret leaving me " she screams and grabs her empty wine glass that she filled like 7 times tonight.
I put my head in my hands, tears threatening to come out. I couldn't handle it anymore. Irritated and tired I just listened to drunken screams of my mother. She told me never to tell dad.. But I was so young..

" Daddy.. I need it tell you something. " I whispered crying. He quickly pulled me into his embrace and hugged me tightly. " Amy you can tell me anything.. What's wrong? " he rocked my back and forth as I cried and cried. After a while I was able to calm down. " Its mom. She..she was in her room with a man and he was hurting her. She was screaming. " I cry hard. I looked at his face, it showed the emotion of anger, and sadness.. " Go play in your room Amy. I'll take you out for ice cream in a couple minutes " he said and helped me up

I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and stormed to my room, slam it hard making sure they heard. I sat on my bed and cried. Something caught my eye, my nightstand. Sitting up, I grabbed my picture of our family. We all looked so happy.. What happened? Suddenly I heard a knock on the door, I quickly hid it under my pillow. My dad walks in, " Amy.. Let's go. Were going to have father and daughter time " he fake smiled, the pain in his eyes making it obvious he wasn't okay. I could tell by his bodys language he was tired and depressed. Slumped back shoulders, bags under his eyes, his eyes are a darker blue. I looked at him, " Dad... Are we going to be okay? " I whispered shakily, as I didn't want to question him to much. He just looked at me, his eyes watering. He whispered something to himself, but I was able to hear it, " I don't know anymore.. "

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