Chapter 02

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Three months later my parents filed a divorce papers. My mom gotten worse, she had developed a drinking problem and she just wasn't herself. She used to be so happy and bubbly and she had a contagious laugh. When you heard it, all you could do was smile and laugh. She was never frowning.. Then. She became depressed, she formed a drinking problem and she never smiled again. She spent most her nights crying herself to sleep. She never went outside, never got to see the sunlight and the warmth sun rays warm her skin. She got skinnier, didn't eat much. She developed a eating disorder... She never finished college. She was this beautiful girl who had everything going for her, and one day.. She fell. Dragging all her motivation and hard work with her to break in a million pieces like glass.. Her future was shattered..

As I had packed up the last box. I looked at my mother. She was starring at the ground. I could tell something was bugging her. I slowly walked over. My dad came in and grabbed the last box. He looked over at us, shook his head and walked out. Not saying a word. I looked at her. " What happened to you. Look at what you've done to didn't just hurt yourself. You hurt me and dad. You always told me dont let your mistakes form you... And here you are letting dad walk out because you got drunk one night. " I look at her my eyes water. I walk away, giving up. I couldn't save her.. That was her decision.

My dad honked the horn. I looked at my mom. She slid down the hallway wall and put her head in her hands. Ashamed of what she's done. I watched her for a couple seconds. She had a unlit cigarette in her hand, and a wine glass in the other. Make up smeared, hair tangled and messy, dry tears soaked in her skin giving off a shiny glow to her pale cheeks. I looked down, I felt as if I was never going to be happy again. I felt as if I was in a maze with nothing but dead ends, and I was desperate to find the leave the maze of depression that never stopped and made you give up hope..

My dad honked again. This time twice. I sighed and put my hands in my pockets. I slowly walked out. I closed the door behind me. As I walked down the rocky steps I turned around once more.. A tear fell from my eyes as I couldn't hold in the pain any longer. I was free. To start over. I ran to my dads car and got in quickly. He kissed my forehead and told me its for our own good. As he pulled out of the driveway I saw the pain in his eyes. I could tell he didn't want to leave her.. He loved her. But she was given his heart, and she dropped it. Breaking it into a million pieces, and stomped on it. For another man.

As he drove away he tried his hardest to keep calm. But on the inside I could tell he was dying.. But he knew it was good for the both of us. I put my hand on the window. The heat of my hand created the fog around my fingers. That was the last time I saw her... We were on our way to find a new life. No more tears, no more screams, no more fights, no more problems.. It was just us two against the world. And to tell you the truth..

-I don't think I was ready for the real world.

( what do you guys think so far? I love writing this book so much. Comment down below if you want more. Love you Xx -Admin )

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