Peyton, feeling like something was strangely wrong, made her way to Scott's and banged on the door.

Melissa frowned. "Peyton, what are you-"

The blonde cut her off. "I it's probably pretty late, but I need to talk to Scott now."

"He's asleep."

"Melissa, please," she said in a desperate tone.

Melissa sighed. "Come on in."

Scott woke up to a ringing phone and saw Peyton in the doorway to his room and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Just answer your phone," Peyton demanded.

Scott did as she said.

Stiles' voice came through. "Scott, Peyton, I don't, I don't know where I am. I don't know how I got here. I think I was sleepwalking."

Peyton sucked in a breath. "Where are you? What do you see?"

He answered in a panicked voice, "Ah, it's dark. It's hard to see. I think there's something wrong with my-"

The call ended and Peyton felt around for and grabbed Scott's phone and called Stiles again. Voicemail. "Please answer." She called again, and got his voicemail a second time.

Scott muttered, "God, come on. Come on."

The call finally connected and he said, "Stiles?"

"Scott, Peyton, I don't think I can get out of here. I can't move."

"Where are you?" Peyton asked again. "Stiles, please tell us."

Stiles' voice remained panicked. "I don't know. I don't know, it's too dark. I can't see much and something's wrong with my leg. It's stuck on something. And it's... I think it's bleeding."

Peyton's hand began shaking and she tried and failed to stop it. "How bad is it? Stiles. How bad?" He didn't answer. "Stiles, come on. Answer me. Can you hear me?"

He finally answered. "Ah, there's some kind of smell down here. Something smells terrible. It's brutal. My eyes are watering."

"Okay, listen," Scott said. "I'm calling your dad and Peyton's dad."

"No, no, no, no, don't."

"But your dad-"

"Don't. Just please don't call him or Peyton's dad. Same goes for you, Peyton. Promise me you won't. He already worries about me too much. Scott, please."

Peyton shook her head. "They can help, Stiles."

Stiles started sniffling. "No, no, no, just please." His sniffles grew louder and he calmed himself down. "Please don't call him or her. Come find me. You can do it. He doesn't have to know. Scott, you can find me."

Scott glanced to Peyton. "I don't know if I can do this."

Peyton smiled shakily. "We'll do it together."

Stiles suddenly said, "Oh, I gotta call you back. I have to turn my phone off."

"Stiles, no! Wait!" Peyton cried.

"I'm gonna call you back."

"Hold on, Stiles, wait. Hold on, man," Scott said.

Stiles hung up and she turned to Scott. "I'm going to Stiles' to see if I can find anything."

"Peyton, Isaac and I going that way too."

"Meet me there then."

Peyton made her raced to the Stilinski household and ran up to Stiles' room.

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