ǝuo ʎʇuǝʍʇ ɹǝʇdɐɥɔ

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[OP] Randomly register an account. Posted on March 9, 2017, 15:47:11

Continuing from where I left off, after that day, Jin Yu disappeared for about another month. Can you guess where we met again?

Surprisingly, it was at our company!!!

Even in novels, they wouldn't dare to write something like this...

It was the same competition I mentioned earlier. Didn't the boss invite some company executives and his friends to watch? Jin Yu was one of his friends.

I felt that he seemed much better after not seeing him for a while. He was quite different from the last time at his restaurant. He was wearing a suit and looked energetic as he sat in the judges' seat. When he saw me, he was surprised, but he quickly smiled at me, and I nodded back.

There were quite a few people from our company who participated in the competition. After all, opportunities for overseas training are rare, with a success rate of about 3%.

Each person had only five minutes to showcase their product. I felt that everyone was really impressive (I was trembling in the corner...).

I've always admired those who can speak confidently in public and explain things eloquently. I've been afraid of this since I was young. That day's event was quite formal, and I was quite nervous.

When I started presenting the first two slides of the PowerPoint, I almost just read them word for word. My mind went blank, and I forgot the words I had prepared. I think everyone in the audience could tell I was nervous.

When I turned to the third slide, I paused for a moment because that slide had no text, and I had forgotten my script.

Then followed a few seconds of the most awkward silence... complete silence (sigh, I don't know if you understand this feeling, I wanted to dig a hole and hide ~>_<~).

Then, applause erupted from below, starting with Jin Yu and some of our team members.

At that moment, I happened to catch a glimpse of the disdainful expression on Old Wang's face. It was that kind of superior attitude that seemed to say, "See, I knew you couldn't do it."

In an instant, I was filled with determination and thought, "Alright, I'm going all out."

So, I treated this presentation as a regular discussion meeting with team members, speaking clearly and confidently, providing reasons and evidence. After I finished, everyone applauded, whether out of courtesy or because they genuinely thought my product was good, I was grateful either way.

The competition started in the morning, and by noon, almost everyone had presented. Then, the boss announced that six projects had received positive feedback from everyone, and in the afternoon, there would be a question-and-answer session for these six projects to determine the final three winners.

Originally, I thought I had no chance, considering I messed up in the beginning. But I unexpectedly made it into the top six!!!

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