uǝǝʇɥƃᴉǝ ɐɹʇxǝ

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When Mo Xi emerged from the bedroom, Pei Hao had already set up the takeout they ordered. There was roasted chicken from Yang's, crab roe xiaolongbao from Hu Long Tang, eight treasure rice from Lin's... All these were the kinds of food he had been eagerly yearning for while in the United States.

Pei Hao was practically a mind reader, knowing all his favorite foods.

He wanted to tell himself that there was no need for Pei Hao to go through so much trouble for him, but the words caught in his throat. Considering Pei Hao's actions after their breakup, along with the photo placed in his bedroom, Mo Xi believed that Pei Hao must still hold feelings for him. Perhaps Pei Hao still loved him, and if he introspected, he hadn't forgotten the moments they shared during the past couple of years.

But the matter of being in a relationship wasn't as simple as adding one plus one to get two. Their problem lay in the fact that Mo Xi had lost his trust in the relationship. Setting aside how much Pei Hao still loved him or for how long, even if they were to immediately reconcile, he wouldn't be able to love Pei Hao as fearlessly as he did initially. The doubts and uncertainties that had taken root deep within his heart would occasionally surface and poke at this still-healing relationship. It was already full of wounds; could it withstand any more turbulence?

At that point, Pei Hao could simply walk away without any qualms. After all, his conditions were excellent, and he could easily find someone new. And what about him? After over two years, he hadn't managed to completely move on from his previous relationship, and now diving headfirst into this new one felt like plunging into an abyss. It might take him a lifetime of effort to forget.

He wouldn't be foolish enough to step into that trap again. It was impossible, as he knew that the ultimate result would be self-torture.

Pei Hao noticed Mo Xi's complex expression, assuming he might still be embarrassed about what had happened during the day. He didn't dare bring it up either, instead lightly flicking Mo Xi's forehead and saying, "What are you thinking about? Eat up."

Snapping out of his daydream, Mo Xi didn't hesitate to start eating. He had barely eaten on the plane, and he didn't have an appetite at lunchtime either, so he was famished.

Watching Mo Xi devour his food, Pei Hao's lips curved into a smile. These were all the foods that Mo Xi had incessantly mentioned wanting to eat in their WeChat conversations. He had always thought about bringing Mo Xi to enjoy these dishes once he returned, but he hadn't expected the opportunity to come so soon.

"Why aren't you eating?" Mo Xi shoveled rice into his mouth while glancing at Pei Hao from the corner of his eye. He noticed that Pei Hao wasn't eating; he was just sitting there, watching him with a smile, making him feel a bit uncomfortable.

"I can have these anytime, you should eat more," Pei Hao's lips involuntarily curled upwards. He felt that if there were a mirror around, he'd see a particularly silly smile on his face. But he didn't mind; he couldn't control it now, nor did he want to.

During the meal, Pei Hao received two calls – one from Fu Bing, reminding him to prepare for a client meeting on Monday, and another from Chen Xu, asking about some materials needed for a client meeting.

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