oʍʇ ɐɹʇxǝ

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During the Christmas to New Year period, there are no classes in the United States. Mo Xi didn't plan to return to his home country, so he flew to the city where his father was.

This was Mo Xi's first time visiting his father's home in the US, a detached small villa with five or six rooms, a charming backyard, and even a big yellow dog.

It seemed like a comfortable life.

Although this city in the US was relatively underdeveloped, being able to live with the person he loved, gaining societal acceptance, and not having to care about others' gazes, Mo Xi felt that this was sufficient for his life goals.

Uncle Li knew he was coming, so he had been busy preparing for a day in advance. When Mo Xi arrived, there were seven or eight familiar Chinese dishes waiting for him on the table.

Mo Xi was so excited he almost cried. God knows how terrible the so-called Chinese food near their school was. And with his busy schedule of attending classes during the day and working at night, he simply didn't have time to cook properly.

"Xiao Xi, you seem to have lost weight since I last saw you," Uncle Li said as he served food into Mo Xi's bowl, chatting as he did so, "How's it been since you came to the US? Are you getting used to it?"

"It's alright, there are certainly some things I'm not used to," Mo Xi looked at Uncle Li and smiled faintly, "But when you get busy, you forget about them."

"But don't overwork yourself," Uncle Li advised him, "Your health is important, don't worry about money."

Mo Xi waved his hand, not answering.

He felt that he was already grown up, and constantly asking his family for money wasn't right. But his dad didn't agree with him working, so he didn't plan to let them know.

After dinner, Uncle Li took him on a tour around the house. In the study, Mo Xi saw a photo of his father and Uncle Li when they were young.

The photo depicted two young men in their twenties, standing side by side. Mo Cheng was clearly half a head taller than Uncle Li, wearing a leather jacket, his head held high and looking confidently at the camera. On the other side, Uncle Li had his head slightly lowered, seeming a bit shy and not daring to look at the person beside him.

"You guys knew each other when you were this young?" Mo Xi looked at Uncle Li in astonishment. He had always thought that his father had met Uncle Li after divorcing his mother.

"Yes, we were college classmates," Uncle Li looked into the distance with a faint look, as if reminiscing about something. There was a trace of shyness on his face, "At that time, your dad was already a prominent figure in the school."

"And you guys... back then?" Mo Xi had a bad premonition in his heart, a suppressed intuition that had spanned over a decade of his life.

"We were together for a while back then."

Mo Xi suddenly felt as if the sky had fallen on him. His sister's complaints about their dad, and his mother's ramblings before she passed away, all connected in a line, surfacing.

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