Chapter 1

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3rd person POV

The Nekomata village once a peaceful place but now up in flames each one being kill but one group aimed to escape along with human and stray devils who seeked shelter in the village. The humans on the run from the fallen and the strays escaped there abusive masters discovered the village and asked the elder to stay and he agreed, so they chose to save as many as they can from this massacre to repay there deat. There group is comprised of four humans, three devils, and 230 Nekomatas but only five can fight the rest are mostly wemon, children, and a few elderly ones, as they made there way threw the forest they encountered a small group of devil soldiers that led the massacre. They fought them but there odds of winning is particle non existent as the devils drove them into a corner, the human woman with a scalpel like sword struck a vital artery killing a devil and she said "There's to many!" The other one with a whip like sword cut down two more devils replied "we need to escape somehow!" Two of the humans with the Nekomatas used there spider sacred gears to make a defensive barrier around them but it's not holding too good, the older one said "I don't know how long I can keep this up" the younger one replied "we have to!, or else there dead" the other two devils defeated the barrier from two devil rooks one a guy and a woman, the guy launching spells while the girl used her bare fists, the last one fought with the two sword wemon with nothing but her bare hands.

All of them badly beaten some having wounds and there stamina and mana all but depleted, the leader of this devil squad smirked and said "filthy low borns, are you done yet?" They couldn't say anything but glared at them. Just when he was about to give the order to kill them a geyser of blood irrupted between the two groups, startaled by this the devils moved back a few feet and got into defensive positions. Once the geyser died down there stood a young beautiful woman with pale white hair and skin, her clothes are highly reveling with four flower pattern sashes, once she stood up the men can clearly she her perfect figure and the flower face tattoos, once she opens her eyes everyone can see the writing on her eyes that read Upper Moon Six. The woman looked around, she looked to the nekomata group and then she turned to the devil soldiers and she then said "what happened?" Just then her eyes went wide as dinner plates then she started to tear up and said "L-Lord Muzon!!!" The shared memories of Muzon and her appeared in her head to the moment of his death. While she was crying the devil leader said "Who the hell are you?, and how did you get here?" She stopped crying and stood up and she looked to him and said "who gave you permission to speak?" Her eyes laced with murderus intent. The devil leader was took aback by this he has seen the eyes of a killer but this time it felt like a predator eyeing his pray, the human with the scalpel sword was able to catch her breath and she said "those men came to massacre these people for existing!" She turned to her and the group of nekomatas and when her eyes landed on them an image of her and her brother being hurt by that samurai flashed before her eyes and anger blowled up inside of her and she said "I would of just killed everyone here but today I'll make an exception".

She turned to the devils and she said "I'll just kill them instead" she gave them a wicked smile and the devil leader ordered the rook "Kill her!" The rook nodded and charged at her but before he made hafe way she used one of her sashes to slice his head off shocking everyone present. His body fell with a loud thump and all her sashes started moving like tentacles she smirked and launch them at the others killing each one, one was able to slice one of the sashes before another one sliced him in hafe. The only one left alive is the leader who is in other terror after seeing his unit being slaughtered by fabric, he heard footsteps and he saw the one who did this, this woman who kill all his men with ease has a look that read your just an insect and she said" today's not your lucky day you ugly peace of trash" in one quick motion his head was split in hafe ending his life.

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