Survivours for short

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We were all running, I was slowly drifting away with toby but then I realised he wasnt next to or in front of me anymore, i looked back and there he was. On the floor. I ran to him and picked him up. I managed to speed up to the others and found a safe place in level 1. The warehouse. Or car park.. whatever it is. I dropped Toby carefully next to our friends and i sat down with him. I took off my boots and started to rub the heels. They fucking hurt.💅
"What. The. Fuck. Was. That?" asked Alice. Her eyes still pouring, same as everyone, but I didnt. It was my duty to help them stay sane, survive, and not be so sad. Oh yeah, also to make sure they see the real world again. I stand up with my boots next to Toby.

" I dont know! But i DO know something! " I said with the biggest smile on my face, fighting back tears. I walk infront of all them and tell jokes, go absolutely mental and tell such beautiful jokes. Toby was still coughing because of this... thing he has... i forgot. So i stopped for a second and broke open a crate with my bare hands

and there was three things in there. Crisps, almond water and a car piece. I gave the crisps and almond water for everyone to share. I didnt need anything, I barely ate anyways, I could manage. I need to help them keep safe.As they were talking among themselves i sharpened the piece of car using the crate.

I then opened another crate with another two bottles of almond water and a gun with three bullets in by the looks of it. I did go to sea cadets and learn about guns, so I suppose its safer if i keep this item.

I give them the other two bottles of almond water and i go look in this crate thats already open. It had a lot of things in it. It had a note saying "for other people here, I have a gift so you dont die."

How sweet! it had a packet full of mixed nuts, believe it or not.. more almond water. but just 1 bottle. raw meat. Beef to put it simple for your head. I decided to keep it in there because it could make them sick if they eat it. raisins with chocolate coating. Oh, these must be from reality.

there was also another gun and something that goes around your waist and it had three spaces for guns, four for knives and a bag connected on the back. It was decently big ngl

I stored everything in the bag and opened crate by crate. I also found two knives, one thats bent but usable and the other covered with dry blood. Oh yeah, and weetabix. toby cant have weatabix though so i told the crew to give Toby more raisins than them all.

I told them all to go to that corner with the working light to rest and i said for them to go to sleep and ill protect them. Toby wanted to still be near me so thats fair enough. I gave him a gun and gave him breif lessons but after half an hour, he fell asleep out of the blue

so i carried him over to the other guys to let him sleep. And i guarded them. I did have to shot a hound which woke all them up. so i taught them what a hound was and i let them touch it. I broke open another crate with a bottle of almond (Not even shocked anymore) so they can wash any germs the hound could've had on it. There was also another car bit so i put that in my pocket. I told them to fall back to sleep again before we get moving again.

and so they did

I stood in and out of the light and shot another hound💅 and stabbed it too😍🔪
#stillhumerous #evenina #dangeroussituation

I smile to myself. There all so peaceful. I will protect them.

I will.

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