On the move

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After me shouting at them to wake up i tried shaking them.
"Guys wake up! You've gotta eat something!" In the night I found some more things in crates. you already know what i found in one. ( Almond water) but i also found mice and i swear I screamed louder than i ever have in my life. I found a box of crayons and a notebook. oh, and three more car pieces.

"Okok, whats for breakfast aka our only meal?" asked chelsea
" Mice! " I said holding up a now dead mice.
"I ain't eatin' that." Called out Toby
" Good thing I was only joking. Isn't it? " I laughed
I throw the creature on the wall for it to fly to the floor.
"Sometimes I can't tell if your being sarcastic or not." Said Eda
" But isn't that the good thing about me? " I shouted "I think it's lovely being like this!"
" Yeah yeah. Whatever. Gimme food" Eda added
"You got it!" I called

I throw the bag onto the floor after undoing the strip around my waist. I open the back pocket and pull out the beef from that crate I found.
"anyone not fancying this?"
half of the group said they dont want it. the other fifty percent not minding.
"I got two bags of raisins from my house before leaving." I said.
" share them out equally. Now I think about it again. the raw beef can make you sick! " i called

after they eat their food. I explain to them whats next
"we gotta find a door thats unlocked." I said while making sure all the ammo was inside of the guns.

I started walking and they did so a second after. i told them to scatter out a little bit. I make sure my gun is at the ready to make sure none of them come across an entity.

I swear I almost fell asleep until i heard an ear-piercing scream! It almost made my ears all off!!!!!!!

"AHHH! OMG WHAT THE HELLY WELLY WITH JELLY IS THAT THING!?" screamed Toby as I rush over to him blocking him from the entitys view and pull out my bent knife instead and stab it twice.

The creature lets a loud growl. the loudest growl i say in history!
"Welp. while thats dying we should get to this next level. It might be a bit hot.

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