Dublin in ecstasy ™️

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*ok does anyone want me to finish this story ? I say this everytime and then forget about it but I can schedule to finish it if people want it xx
Slight tw ⚠️
Robs pov
We start to play dublin in ecstasy, as I play the notes in my head I'm not even there. I can't get her out of my head. Her hair, her smile, her eyes and those god damn lips. The set is coming to an end and all I can think about is seeing her and going to the club with her, I feel the room vibrating with the last few chords I play. The set was over and all I can hear is the fans screaming. This may be the start of the bands career but in this moment I feel like we could make it far. Ryan throw his drumsticks out and Josh and Eli throw there pics out into the crowd  , I can't help but smile and the happy faces of the girls who caught them.

The light go off as we walk into the wings. I look at Leah sitting cross legged on the floor, I crouch down beside her and hand her my pic. She takes it and smiles. I put out my hand and help her off of the floor as she stumbles. "Leah how much did u have to drink?", she shrugged and giggles. I hold her hand and follow the boys into the dressing room. We all just sit around and chat about the show, discussing what we did well and what to change for future shows . Overall we were all pretty happy with how it went and adrenaline was still rushing through us. I see Leah go over to the large mirror as she tries to fix her hair and lipstick. Eli pulls a naggin of vodka from the counter, "shots?"

We all stumbled out of the venue, we had told the workers there that we had left our things  in the dressing room but we would collect it the next morning. It was colder now but I was warm, I had my jacket  on. I look up to see if Leah was cold, but she was happily strolling along ahead of me,talking to Ryan. He had his arm around her shoulder keeping her stable. I couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about. Soon enough we arrive at the club, seeing as it was 11 there was a long enough queue of people waiting outside so our group joins onto the end. "Hey Leah you look cold do you want my jacket ?" I smile at her. "No thank youuuu" she says and turns back to Ryan to continue there conversation. I can't help but feel blown off. 

I see Josh light a cigarette between his lips. He takes a drag and then offers it over to me. "You know she's a special girl Rob, but don't overdo it. If you love-bomb her all of sudden she'll freak, she's strange like that. I think she likes the idea of it but when it actually happens she over thinks " Josh says while exhaling calmly. " I know man it's just I've liked her for so long I just want her to be mine". I lean my head back and slowly exhale. We move up the line as Josh a I pass the cig back and forth.

Leah pov
The warmth of the club hits me like a truck. I stumble in and some shitty remix of " I write sins not tragedies" plays and I can't help but cringe. I make my way over to the bar and take a seat. I order a Guinness and sit back people watching. 

It has been a long night already and I was a bit lost in my thoughts. First he's just my brother's hot friend and then he's mad and all of a sudden he's kissing me ? It  was all too much. I've only had one boyfriend and he was a pretty shit one, we were only together for a few weeks in second year but he taught me a lot. He made me realise I should never base my worth on how a boy views me because he can take it away any moment. He also taught me that boys can be dicks. Did I want to commit and put myself through that all again? Or would this time be different? I down my drink when I see the face of Josh walking towards me.

"What's up Leah ? I have to say I'm shocked to see a pretty girl looking sad at the bar after such a great gig.c'mon" he grabs my hand and pulls me into where everyone is dancing. This is why I love Josh he's always there for me and knows what I'm thinking  without me having to say a word. I close my eyes and move to the music, I can see the flashing strobe lights through my eyelids.The music is so loud I can't hear myself think.

I feel two hands creep around my waist tightly,I smile to myself as I hadn't seen Bobby in a while. I throw my head back into the chest keeping my eyes closed. I sway my hips  against them.I suddenly catch an unfamiliar sent.It was not the Calvin Kline sent I had been used to, it was more of an expensive musky sent rather then the sweet light one I knew and loved . My heart drops as I turn around and face a sick man behind me, he looked about 26 and I felt disgusting. "What the fuck you prick" I scream in his face. I quickly run outside to get some air.

I had ended up in the smoking area outside the bar. I quickly put my head in the fake plant puking up my last few drinks before I slide down the wall and sit on the floor. The outside are was pretty empty only a few groups of unfamiliar faces. The cold hits my skin and I feel the goosebumps on my arms and legs. I feel a tear role down my face still feeling the sensation of the man's hands right grip on my stomach.

This took so long to write omg I haven't written in so long !!! Anyways I hope you enjoyed. Let me know if you want me to continue this story and don't be afraid to pm any ideas on where to take it! Love L xx
Word count : 1092

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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