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"You wanna get married or something?"

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Monica sat outside in the courtyard of the middle school, she had prepped herself for the hazing, I mean who wouldn't be worried about it. The bell rang and she met her sister at the side of the school.

Both twins talking to each other, but when Jodi walked up to them, Monica sent a look to her sister. "Hey you. Come here. You. Who are you?" Jodi questions Sabrina. "I'm nobody. I mean I wasn't in the truck." Sabrina says bashfully.

Jodi wraps an arm around her shoulder, both of them walking away, Monica sighing in relief. "Are you a freshman?" Jodi questions. "Yeah." Sabrina replies. "Well, are you in or are you out?" Jodi questions. "In." Sabrina replies.

Monica goes to walk away but Jodi whistles. "Don't think I forgot about you pretty girl." Jodi says as she walks back over, Monica groaning. 

The younger girl climbs into the truck's bed, Jodi putting a dummy into her mouth with a smirk. "Let's go." Jodi says as she climbs into the truck, the group rushing over to the senior parking lot. Monica and Sabrina get out, both siblings looking so done with the situation they were in.

The cycle of air raids commenced, Monica getting up, then dropping. The girl groaned as the concrete digs into her hands, small scrapes forming. The senior girls then begin pouring condiments on the girls, flour and oatmeal being part of it. By the time they were done, Monica's shirt was covered in condiments, her hair being coated in flour.

Jodi grabs Sabrina, taking her to this blonde guy, Sabrina getting on her knees. "Ah shit." Monica says as she sits up. "Up." A long haired blonde says to Monica, the brunette sighing as she walks with the girl. 

"Propose to Mr. Floyd." The girl says, Monica rolling her eyes. "You wanna get married or something?" Monica questions. "I don't know, what's in it for me?" Pink questions. "I don't know. What'd be in it for me? This is an arrangement after all." Monica says as she gives a look to Shavonne who smirked at the girl.

"I liked you kid." Pink says with a laugh. "I like me too." Monica says as Shavonne helped her up, the two girls walking away. "I heard about her man, she's like the you of middle school." Slater says. 

"Okay girlies, it's hot out here, and I'm really sick of looking at all of you so let's just, let's get out of here." Darla shouts, Monica sighing as she looks at her now ruined outfit. The girl climbed back into Jodi's truck bed, Sabrina following. 

The car wash was horrible to say the least, Monica covered her eyes as the other girls screamed, Sabrina doing the same as her sister. "This shit is crazy man." Monica says as the water rinses out her hair and pants. Sabrina laughed at her sister who simply poked her tongue out.

When the twins were dropped off, Monica looked down at her shoes which were now soaked. "Let's get together sometime 'right?" Jodi says to the two girls. "Yeah, that'll be fun, lots of fun." Sabrina says, Monica nodding. "Well, what'd you do? I mean for fun." Monica questions as she holds her books in her hands.

"Usually just hang out with the girls, you know, drive around that kind of stuff. There's a big party tonight, should be really great." Jodi says, the twins looking at each other with small smiles. "Oh." Sabrina says. 

"Do you wanna come? Both of you I mean." Jodi says to both girls. "Yeah." Monica says with a smirk on her face. "Yeah?" Jodi questions. "Yeah, that'd be fun." Sabrina agrees. "Cool, do you think it'll be alright?" Jodi questions.

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