Boston Outskirts- Chapter Twelve

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I carefully step out of a window and onto a roof, closely follow Joel, Tess and Ellie as I walk.

I give Tess a slight judgemental side eye as she sits down on the spot, clearly hurt.

Joel takes out a bandage looking thing out of his bag and gives it to Ellie. "Put this around your arm."

"Thanks." She say simply as Joel treats to Tess's wounds all fucking romantically or whatever.


"Make sure no body sees that Ellie." I say in an almost stern tone, "If someone sees that you're dead."

"I know.." She mutters with a slight annoyed tone but I just ignore her once more.

I look to where Ellie is staring at, a long wooden plank balanced between two buildings, which looks very fucking terrifying if you ask me.

"Over there?" Ellie asks with a curious glance.

"Yeah, I know it looks scary." Joel replies, although he seems pretty distracted by taking care of Tess right now.

"That was scary. This is wood." There is absolutely no hints of fear or concern in her voice as she walks across the plank effortlessly and I'm not sure if it impresses or scares me more.

"No... that looks scary." I say in an almost jokey tone, trying to cover up my nerves but I'm also aware how I'm fooling nobody.

"You'll be fine." Tess says with a shrug and an almost mocking tone to her voice which I give a glare at.

"Just wait there. Give us a minute." Joel says to Ellie's once she's crossed to the other side of the plank.

I take this as a sign to sit down next to where Joel and Tess are, might as well sit down if they're not gonna hurry up.

Joel just helps to bandage Tess's foot up, and I can't help but resent how she is looking at him.

I know that look.

Way to fucking well.

I was about to say some snarky remark but I decide not to, practically biting my tongue to shut myself up.

"There's probably more ahead." Joel replies in his usual gruff voice.

"So, we'll deal with them then." Tess replies, shrugging off the comment.

Joel wraps up Tess's foot and seems to hurt her slightly as Tess instantly hisses with pain and takes the bandage off him.

"I got it. I got it." She says quickly, bandaging her foot up herself and I can't help but have a slightly smug smirk on my face; although no body notices.

"What about the kid?" Joel points out with a slight hint of worry in his voice. "I mean, maybe the first bite didn't take."

"How 'bout you just take the good news." Tess suddenly snaps and I can't help but let my jaw drop when she says that, definitely not expecting her to react like that.

"Like to think, for once, maybe we could actually win?" She adds, a stern tone in her voice as she stares at Joel.

"Uh, I'm sorry?" I say with a surprised tone, clearly taking offence to that even though she's not even talking to me and a 'what the fuck' kind of expression on my face.

The audacity of that woman is unbelievable.

"Just go. Go and watch her." She adds with the same snarky tone, ignoring my comment.

"Jesus Christ, calm the fuck down." I say in a scolding tone as Joel gets up to leave and follow after Ellie.

Why am I sticking up for Joel? No fucking idea.

"He didn't do anything." I add with a scoff, getting up and following after Joel before she can even reply.

Am I certainly being a hypocrite since I've basically been shouting at him for no reason since we met?... yes.

Do I care?... NO.

And okay something is definitely up with Tess. But... we all have bad days I guess.

"Jesus Christ it's like my parents arguing all over again..." I mutter as I walk close to him across the plank, although a lot slower than he is, clearly about to shit my pants in fear.

He stops practically STRUTTING across the plank to look and me with an almost unreadable expression as my breathing gets a bit more panicky and I try to keep my balance.

"I don't particularly liked heights.. i'm fine in like a harness or shit. but this is fucking terrifying" I speak breathlessly.

Before I can say anything else he suddenly puts his hand on my lower back and almost pushes me along the plank and onto the other side, a sort of annoyed expression on his face although I can sense a mix of other emotion in there. What? I'm not sure.

I just stand there, absolutely shell shocked but I have to admit... the touch wasn't so bad.

An almost peaceful silence falls over us and the two of us walk over besides Ellie, who's looking off into the distance.

"Is it everything you hoped for?" Joel mutters.

"Jury's still out." Ellie replies with an almost sad expression and a small sad smile on her face.

"But man, you can't deny that view." She has a memorised face as she looks into the horizon and I can't help but look and nod, Joel giving a slight huff in agreement.

"Come on, let's get there before it's dark." Tess snaps again in a huffy tone with a slight scoff, speeding walking and overtaking us, climbing down a ladder near by.

As she starts climbing down she seems to hit her side on it and I can't help but smirk when she does that.

"Karmas a bitch.." I mutter under my breath with a smug smirk so that only Joel can hear.

I notice Joel looking at his watch we an almost sad look on his face and I can't help but observe him.

"Your watch is broken." I say simply, gesturing to the watch but saying it more like a statement than a question before climbing down the ladder, giving him no time to reply and he climbs down after me a moment later.

Date finished- 7/8/23
date updated- 17/6/24
Word count- 1059 words

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