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As soon as Emma had made it to the bonfire she made note to not let Taylor talk her into going to a party again even though she knew it would happen again. She was definitely going to be calling her later.

Belly had wondered off so she was on her own. She ended just sitting by the water because she never really knew anyone in cousins but her family.

When Emma was sitting down all she could think about was Taylor and how she was alway able to convince her to do things that nobody else could. She was able to convince her to get out of her comfort zone more and try new things. She started think that maybe this year would be different maybe she would try to have some more confidence around Taylor and get to know her better. She wanted this summer to be different. She wanted to be with Taylor this summer

After she had been sitting there for a bit some one came to sit with her. "Hey" she looked over to see Jeremiah sitting with her and she says hi back "why did you even come if you where just going to sit down here by your self" "I was in belly's room with her and she started talking to Taylor and she told belly to go and said I should as well but when I said no she ended up convincing me to go anyway." Jeremiah looks at his sister which a knowing look "you know that none of us care if you like her right" "yeah I know but it does not matter because she will never share my feelings for her"Emma says and looks back out at the ocean "how do you know that? Every time I see you two talk you can barely say any thing. Maybe if you ask her out or actually speak to her you might get some where" before Emma was able to respond they heard fighting going back at the party.

Emma always appreciated when her brother would talk to her because she knew that one day they would be at college and she would be by her self. Yes she would have her mom but it would not be the same.

When the fisher siblings got back to the party the saw Conrad fighting someone and next thing they knew belly got hit in the face and ended up in the sand. Then there was cop lights so everyone started running. Now she was just sitting in the car waiting on everyone because she just wanted to go back home now.

Belly was talking to some guy and the boys were just trying to get her in the car. Eventually she does and then they realize they forgot Steven. When Jeremiah goes to get him a cop finds them and then they have to escort them home.

"How could you guys be so irresponsible" Laurel tells the group. Emma was not really listening she just wanted to go to sleep. She zoned out until laurel started to talk to her. "And what about you Emma. I could expect this from them but this is not you" I did not know what to say so I did not say anything. I just don't see why people are not allowed to change. This is apart of the reason I don't like to do things because I never used to so people make a big deal out of things and I am not a big fan of confrontation.

When Laurel had told them to go to bed that's exactly what Emma did she. She walked straight to her room, layer on her bed and stared at the ceiling. She was just about the get comfortable and go to bed when her phone started to ring. She picked up her phone to see it was Taylor calling her.

"Hey so how was. I bet you had so much fun right made some friends drank a bit" Taylor says excitedly "um no actually I just sat by the water for a bit till Conrad got in a fight and we had to leave" Emma says "well if I was there I would not have let you mope around. You would have had so much fun" " yeah I bet I would have" Emma says. Taylor starts to talk about her night for a while in an attempt to cheer the girl up when she look at her phone to see Emma passed out. "Goodnight Emma fisher" she kisses her hand then put her hand to the camera and hangs up.

Taylor pov:

"Hey so I was just on the phone with Emma she said she sat by her self. Where were you" "I was with this boy I met cam Cameron. But hold on did you just say that you where talking to Emma, like a full conversation, she was able to speak real words."belly asks surprised. " yeah I called her to see if she has fun but she pretty much said she was alone the whole time.   I kinda feel bad I am the one who convinced her to go and she did not even have a good time." "Trust me she does not blame you. You know she would have had so much more fun if you where there you guys might have even kissed " belly teases "you know that is never going to happen" Taylor says "so you admit you like her" "yeah yeah I guess I do" "I can't wait to come for you birthday. I mean obviously I want to see you as well but I don't know I think that maybe something could happen with Emma and I" "I have a feeling something will"Belly says

"so did you guys talk about anything else"Belly says "um I started talking about my night to try and cheer her up but she ended up falling asleep on the call" Taylor says with a smile "oh my god that is actually so cute I am so going to tease her about that later. You guys are so getting together by the end of the summer" Belly says with excitement "maybe we will"

Jeremiah pov:

I went to Emma's room to go check on here after our chat on the beach but she was already asleep. I tuck her in as say goodnight. As I was about to go back to my room I see that her phone had got a message. I pick up her phone to see Taylor had texted her saying goodnight with a heart emoji. I can't help but smile to my self knowing that when they do get to get her Taylor will make Emma so happy, she really deserves to be happy.

I am really starting to like where this story is going. I also really like how Jeremiah is there for Emma.

I am also making a Taylor Jewel x male pov if anyone wants to read that as well. That may have slower updates so that I don't get confused with the story. I have not published it yet or even finished the first chapter but I like it so far

Let me know what you think about the story and any suggestions you have.

The summer everything changer- Taylor JewelWhere stories live. Discover now