Cousins beach

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Emma pov:
It was finally that time again. It was finally summer again. Every summer since I could remember my family and my moms best friends family would alway go to cousins beach and that is where we are headed right now.

I text belly to tell her that we are on our way.

Hey belly we are on our way to cousins see you soon

Ok I am with Taylor packing right now

Oh tell her I said hi

Next thing I know belly is face timing me
"Hey bells" I say on a bit of a confused way. " hey I figured I would face time you will I get ready" "oh ok". Little did I know it was actually Taylor who wanted to FaceTime me. Next thing I know Taylor is stealing Belly's phone. " hey emma you look good" I blush a bit because I have always had a bit of a crush on Taylor but I know it would never work because she does not see me in that way. "Oh um hey Taylor" "your cute when your flustered" I dont say anything because I don't want to embarrass by self with what I might say.

"Ok I will let you go so you don't have a heart attack over there. But I will see you in a few weeks for belly's birthday and you better be able to talk then"Taylor hangs up and I just but on some music and sleep the rest of the ride to cousins.

Time skip

We got to the beach house before belly so I started to unpack when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" Jeremiah walks through the door and jumps on the bed "so I heard you talking to Taylor in the car earlier. When she comes for belly's birthday are you finally got to make your move"Jeremiah says with a grin "I don't know what your talking about" "come on everybody knows you have liked here ever since belly first brought her here" ok so mabye I was wrong and everyone knows I like her " ok fine but no I am not going to make a move she does not see me the same way" " what ever you say" he says and walks out. Jeremiah and I have alway been close but when very I was really stressed I would go to Conrad because he could always understand more.

I hear my mom yelling say that they are here so I get up and run down the stairs. When o get outside I hug everyone and say hello. After everyone is done hugging it is just my brothers Steven and belly. " you know I think I think it's time for a belly flop" they pick belly up and throw her in the pool. Usually I am in the clear from this but all of a sudden jere picks me up and throws me in to the pool. "Really come on help my out" while I swim over to get out belly is saying how she hurt her ankle. My brother come over to help us out but we pull them in with us. After we all dry off I go into belly's room "hey" I say" hey oh Taylor says hi by the way" I start to get butterflies just thinking about her. "Oh um ok I mean... I mean tell her i say hi to" "well you can tell her your self she is calling me right now" before I can tell belly no so that I don't get even more flustered she answers the phone

"hey Emma was just talking about you" Belly tells the girl "um n-no I wasn't I was just- I was I" before I can get out what I was trying to say Taylor interrupts "wow you really can't get me out of your head can you" she says to tease me " I was just saying hi back but it's always nice to talk to you" I say getting the courage to flirt back a bit. "Yeah yeah I like talking to you to" Taylor says back making me blush more

" ok enough flirting you to I have to go and Change jere wanted me to go swimming with him but here's my phone have fun talking" belly says walking out "your not going to the beach with them?" Taylor says confused "oh I usually don't get invited to do much here they kinda forget about me because I am the youngest even though I am just a few months younger than belly... but it's fine" I have always felt a little left out when we get to cousins because the boys are always of doing there thing and I am not girly so my mom has always liked belly more than me but sometimes they do thing with me. "Well you can always talk to me" Taylor says, I smile.

Taylor's pov:
I never realized that Emma gets left out so much. When ever I think of her I think about this really fun and goofy girl who is also really pretty. I guess I never got to know her enough to see that she is not always as happy as she seems.

Emma pov:
We talk for a bit before she hangs up. I end up just walking down to the beach to go swim with belly and jere. It was pretty fun even tho they did not actually ask me to go but it's fine.

It's now dinner and we are all sitting at the table and Steven is on his phone while his mom tells him to get off of it. Jeremiah ends up taking it and throwing it into a basket showing of his newly formed muscles. "We both know you where just trying to show off your muscles if that is what you call those" I say "maybe" Jeremiah says. "It's all about the lean look now that way you can wear tailored suits" Steven says to justify him not working out " I can't picture you wearing a suit" I say jokingly.

Steven and I have always been close if I was left out he would always try to included me but this summer felt different he seemed busy with other stuff this summer.

"When do you leave for training camp"Steven ask Conrad. Usually when we come to cousins Conrad has to leave to go to his football training camp "um he quit football" Jeremiah says when we all get quiet. "What really I would kill to play college ball" Steven says "well  he can always change his mind" Susannah says "I am not going to" Conrad says back "ok then what are you going to do this summer" the boys start talking about how they had jobs but Conrad said no to that "well what about you Emma what are you doing this summer" laurel asked "um I will probably just stay home and do something here" "well you can just hang out with me and Taylor when she comes" Belly says "I'd belly I almost forgot I have a surprise for you" my mom hand belly a envelope. Belly opens it and it is a invite to be a debutante. It hurt to see that she only gave belly one.

Yeah I probably would have said not or not have like sit but it still would have been nice. "I'll think about it" belly says in response. It gets quit and Steven must have noticed I was not talking much after my mom gave belly the invite. "What about Emma where's her invite" he ask "oh well you know Emma it's not something she would have enjoyed. Plus she would not have really fit in that well" Susannah says. After that everyone goes back to talking but Emma.

The boys just left to go to the bonfire and Belly and Emma are in Belly's room and bells just FaceTimed Taylor.

"Why am I hearing from you, you never call on the first night" Taylor ask while getting ready to go to a show "All the boys just left to go to a bonfire on the beach, oh by the way Emma is here" Belly tells her " Hi Emma can't wait to see you on cinderbellys birthday" Taylor says "ye-yeah me to" Emma says seeing Belly give her a teasing look "well back to the bonfire why didn't you go with them" " wasn't invited" Belly says upset "they don't own the beach" Taylor points out "you should go and have fun. Also take Emma with you " Taylor says remembering what they were talking about on the phone earlier "Emma would not want to go she would have to dress up and she does not do that" "give the phone to Emma" Taylor says

"Emma do you want to go the the bonfire" "I don't know, I won't know any one and I don't want think I want to see my brothers sucking some girls face off" Emma says "first off ew and second go they you will meet people and you will have fun you don't have to dress up to fancy it's a bonfire" Taylor says trying to convince her "ok fine fine I will go" "yes but you have to let me help with you outfit"

Emma goes to her room with Taylor still on the phone and they eventually agree on a outfit they both like. When Emma comes out of her room belly is already waiting. "You are so crushing on Taylor". Belly says talking about the whole interaction on the phone "shut up"

Let me know your thoughts and any suggestions you have for where the story should go.

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