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I was sitting reading a book in the quiet before Lafayette walked in, "Y/N, do you want to come with us? Me, Alex, Hercules, Laurens and Mabye Burr are going into town" he said to me. I placed my book down and thought. "Sure" I shrugged as I stood up.

We met up in town. "Y/N I didn't know you were coming along", Hercules smirked, "I was invited last minute" I smiled at them as we began walking around. Then we heard a British accent speak "my name is Samuel Seabury and I present free thoughts on the proceedings of the continental Congress" we watched to guy make his speech. Half way through I saw Alex looking at the guy. "You want to kill him?" I asked. "Yes" he replied. "Do it I'll distract Burr" I said as I walked towards Burr. "Hey Burr, just out of curiosity what are your thoughts on British people getting harassed by short Americans?" I asked. "That's weirdly specific" he said to me. Then he saw Alex. "Let him be" he said as he held Alex back. Then John came out of nowhere and said to Burr, "Burr would you say asking weird questions and blocking your view of Alexander is a good distraction?" I looked at Alex who quickly snuck into the scaffold and began the harassment process. Burr narrowed his eyes at us before looking at the scaffold to see Alex. "Shit" he mumbled as he pushed past us to try and get Alex off the scaffold, me and Laurens laughed, "thank you Mon Ami" I smirked at him. "No problem, it's always a pleasure to annoy British pricks" he replied. "Plus one Aaron Burr" I added. "Isn't this the first time we've actually had a conversation" he said to me, "oh yeah it is" I replied, "well then it's a pleasure talking to you John" I smiled, "same here" he smiled back. Then I heard a "WHY SHOULD A TINY ISLAND ACROSS THE SEA REGULATE THE PRICE OF TEA!" We looked towards the scaffold to see the guy was basically traumatized and Alexander was ranting. "Should we stop him?" I asked, "Nah Burrs got him" he smirked as we saw a very stressed Burr at the scaffold pulling Alexander away from the guy. "We should talk more" I said. "Yeah" he replied.

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