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Me and Lafayette got ready. Today was the day we left for camp. Now I would be fighting but because I am a female I can't. Trust me I wanted to fight but everyone kept saying no! So I took the nurse job, I had to do a course to make sure I actually was qualified enough to save peoples lives and guess who passed! Me! Y/N! You get it.

So we arrived at camp, Lafayette met up with everyone and I was escorted towards the medical tent. Then Washington walked in. "Hello miss Y/N" he greeted. "Hello sir what can I do for you?" I asked. "Well, I was just here to make sure your all set up" he smiled at me, "yeah I should be fine" I smiled back. "Perfect I'll be in my office. And also if anyone. ANYONE. Harasses you or says anything that makes you uncomfortable. Tell me and I'll see to it that he is taken care of" he said as he walked away. I'm not joking when I say this but 5 seconds after her left a guy with black hair came in, saw me, looked shocked for half a second then lent on the table and said "hey, names Lee, Charles Lee, what about you?"
"seigneur donne moi la force, Y/N", I sighed. "Your french, I like that" he said as he winked. "Are you just here to hit on me or can I actually help you?" I asked. "Y/N how about after the battle, you me and a few drinks?" He smirked. "I'm good" I replied. "Aww come on I promise you'll enjoy it" he smiled, "I'm not interested" I said. "I see. Well that's alright then, you're not interested. Today that is!" Then he ran out. "He's going to try again isn't he" I mumbled to myself whilst trying to decide whether to report him or not. Nah he hasn't actually done anything yet other than embarrass himself. Then Laurens came in, "why did I just see someone running out of here like a crazy person?" He asked, "just some Dumb fuck trying to hit on me." I sighed. "Ah. I can tell him to fuck off if you want" he said to me, "oh don't worry I can handle him. I've dealt with worse believe it or not" I smirked. "I'm not going to question that, anyway Washington wanted me to tell you that your tent is going to be separate because you're not fighting and you're a girl" he said, "okay, and where is it?" I asked. "It's two tents away from the medical tent" he smiled. "Thanks John" I replied as he left.

Laurens POV:
I left the tent and walked towards me and Alex's tent, as I stepped in I saw Alex sitting down on his bed, "Hey John" he smiled, "Hey Alexander" I replied as I sat next to him, "Excited for war?" He asked, "yeah it's just, I'm worried about Y/N" I admitted. He gave me a confused look. "What? Why?" He asked "well she's one of the only girls in this camp and we all know how some people can be" I said to him. He nodded his head in understanding. "Now that you say it I understand where you're coming from. Some people can be idiots" he said. Then he made direct eye contact with me and smiled whilst saying, "you really care about her don't you?" He teased. "What?" I asked, "you care about her" he smirked. "Well she's my friend" I replied. "If that's the case then why have you gone red?" He asked. I didn't even notice but I had gone slightly red, "Y/N is just a friend" I said as I stood up. "Besides even if I did Lafayette would be pissed" I said to him. "About what?" A french voice called from outside the tent. "Nothing!" Me and Alexander yelled. Then he stuck his head in. "Are you sure? Tell me s'il te plaît" he said to us. "Really it's nothing" I said to him. Reluctantly he stepped out and kept going with his day. "That was close" I whispered, "you're going to have to tell him you like his sister soon" he smirked at me. "I don't like Y/N" I repeated. "Then why did you care so much when Lafayette asked?" Alex asked. I tenced up. "I'm going out for some fresh air I'll see you in a bit" I said as I walked outside.

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