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"Hey, Thom mate, are you there?"

A familiar voice called to him.

"We're all starting to worry Thom, you don't usually sleep this long..."

So soft spoken... and that lisp... could it be?


"Thom! You're awake!"


Thom shuffled out of his uncomfortable position of sleeping on two seats with his legs on the window of the bus. He rubbed his forehead with the palm of his hand.

"Everyone! Thom's awake!"

Jonny yelled to the back of the bus and hugged Thom as hard as he could. The memories flooded back to Thom.

That's right, he was the frontman of the famous music band Radiohead, and they were on tour. He was on a shitty gig bus being driven by Phil, and he had just had a long, bad dream.

He broke into a joyful sob and squeezed his eyes shut while embracing Jonny with relief beyond words.

It would all be alright.

He just had a terrible dream. That's all.

It would all be alright.

He felt so silly. Of course, Jonny, Phil, Ed, and Colin were all real! And now that he was awake, he could apologise for making them all so worried. This would be a hilarious story to tell them all later.

"Maybe I'll even write a song about this," He thought, grinning from ear to ear through his tears of joy.

"Yeah, I'm back now... it's all gonna be alright, isn't it Jon- Jon?"

He said, tears falling from his eyes.

"Right, Jonny?"

He asked again, opening his tear streaked eyes in confusion while still clutching one of his closest friends, who seemed skinnier somehow.

"Jonny?" His hair felt...pricklier than usual?

Thom stopped hugging him. His hands slowly dropped back to their sides.

He took a few steps backwards and subsequently looked up.

He was face to face with a black rake struck into the ground that was bent at the neck to emmulate drooping hair.

Thom burst into tears.

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