to my ex

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The school bell rang

I'm walking home n u tap on my shoulder
You gave me a note then u disappeared
U confessed to me
I texted you few hours later.....

We got to know each other, I was shy and awkward at first but I opened up to you
Your the only person I can be myself around

We took it to the next level

We made each other happy for a few months

One day I got a message saying u can no longer go out with me

I was hurt
A month later u messaged me agian.
We talked 24/7 agian
You made me happy once more
Then u cheated
You left me
Asked to be my friend
Then disappeared agian

U broke me 
and I'm sure at some point of our relationship
I broke u

But u really did a number
You made me the happiest person ever
U cared for me
U loved me like nobody has ever
U made me gain confidence
U made me speak up
U made me powerful

But when u left u broke me
I lost myself
I'm not sure when I'll find myself agian

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