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This chapter contains brief mention of sexual harassment and violence.
Reader discretion is advised.

N: Song can either be played at either mark () as it'll fit both.

     Music thumbed in her ears, her eyes trained on the mass of people around her. She'd been babysitting her cup for the last thirty minutes, not entirely too interested in drinking the night away and dancing on strangers. Frat boys really knew how to cause a hangover, half of them grinding on random girls and the other half, downing drink after drink for some competition that would get them nowhere but a bathroom floor.

A squeal erupts, and Nala's attention is drawn to it. Being carried on some guys shoulders is her friend, Layla. After last summers events, Nala started spending more time in her own dorm, leading her and Layla to grow closer. Before they knew it, they were like best friends.
Layla speaks words Nala can't understand, laughing and smiling before she's released from the boys grasp and prances over to her.

"Enjoying yourself?" She grins.

Nala stares down at the cup in her hand. "If being a wallflower is enjoying myself than, yes, I am."
"So much for having fun tonight..."

Layla grabs the girls free hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. "Hey, I thought we agreed on no mopey-Nala face tonight? We're here to have fun!"

"I know, this whole scene is just throwing me off."

"Right. I forgot you weren't the party type in high school."

"Was the anything type in high school, really."

Layla places herself next to Nala against the wall, never letting go of the girls hand as she takes her cup, sipping on whatever concoction the frat boys mixed up tonight. It tasted terrible but she didn't care, she just wanted to get drunk.
Nala rests her head on her friends shoulder. "My professor told me there's an open intern spot at Morgan and Morgan," She spits out.

She'd gotten the news after her morning lecture, and she was reluctant to tell anyone because she didn't know if she should take it. Her doubt wa written all of her face, too. Layla took sharp notice of it, squeezing the girls hand once more.
"What's on your mind?"

A small breath escapes her throat, one she didn't even know she was holding. "It just feels wrong, you know? After everything that's happened, I feel like I'm running off just because things are tough-"

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