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The last time I wrote one of these, I said the next updated would either be a chapter or me discontinuing this book. Unfortunately, i no longer have the motivation nor interest to write this anymore. And I'd rather not throw out chapters that I'm not happy with just to get them out there. my readers deserve quality work from me, and i deserve to be able to give that to myself as well.

this book is officially done. it was a long road, and i absolutely love what i created. i still love tsitp, but i don't love writing about it anymore. i've found new ventures, in writing and in life, that have taken my interest more than this series.

i'm currently working on a PJO series if anyone is interested. It gets updated every tuesday and friday at 5pm EST. i'm putting in a lot of work for it, and i really am looking forward to the views and comments that may come with it. I love where it's going, and i love the concept i chose for it.

i hope everyone from this series will follow me on other ventures. even if you decide that your journey with me ends here, i'm still ever grateful for the time you took to read my work.

thank you,


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