Seeing Paige

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*the next day at Sheldon's house* the front door opens and Paige and her parents come in "Welcome Mr and Mrs Swanson, Sheldon Paige is here!" "Coming mom" says Sheldon in a defeated voice" "oh hi Sheldon it's so nice to see you again!" Says a cheery Paige " do you want a tour of my room Paige?" "Yes" they start seeing his room but Sheldon for some reason his face is red "let's play chess" says Sheldon "ok" they start playing and talking, Paige askes

"Do you ever wish you wernt smart and just normal?" "No" "me too!" Says Paige, Sheldon ponders why his face keeps turn red and Paige slightly notices "are you ok Sheldon?" "I am" they keep playing 

*living room with the parents pov* Mary askes "do y'all attend church?" They say "no" then Mary asks if the watch mtv and they say "yes" Mary thinks and in her head she thinks Paige and her parents probably aren't a good influence on Sheldon.

Paige beats Sheldon at chess and Sheldon flips the chess bored, Paige gasps "I am so sorry I don't know why I just did that" says Sheldon, Mary hears this commotion and comes to Sheldon's room

"What happened?" Askes a disstressed Mary, Paige says "we were playing chess and we  accidentally flipped the chess bored" "oh ok thank you" says Mary but Mary thinks that paige upset Sheldon and Mary doesn't like paige

"Why did you cover up for me?" Said Sheldon "because I like spending time with you Sheldon" Sheldon face turned slightly red but paige was oblivious to it, they played chess for a bit longer then Paige had to go home

"Goodbye Linda and mark" said Mary "Bye Paige!" *mary talks with Memaw* I think Paige made Sheldon upset and is a bad influence on him" "well maybe go ask him Mary" "no that would embarrass him" "alright then"

Sheldon thought in his head why his face kept turning red and he needed answers, the only way to solve this he thought was to go to his twin, Missy *they share a bedroom* "Missy can I talk to you?" "Sure Sheldon" Missy said confused

"I may have a crush on Paige" "omg! I thought you had a crush on her!" "But I don't know fully for can you check me if I have a crush on her" but missy was already getting out her sassy magazines "here's one, 5 ways to tell if you have a crush on someone" "do you dream about them?" "Yes" "Do you always think about them?" "Yes" "do you want to be around them?" "Yes" "does your face get red about them" "y-y-yes" "do you like to spend time with them?" "y-y-y-yes" "then your inlove!"

I know this chapter is short but i just wanted to give you guys something

Take care

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