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"BUT MOMMMMMMMM! ! How could you do this to me! I love that band and I am going to that concert!" I yell back at her.Her eyes widen then go back to a glare.

" NO, you're not!Go upstairs, not a single word from you!" She orders and points up the stairs.

" Uhhhhhg, good I like it better up there it's far away from you!" I say and run up the stairs.I slam my door behind me.

What did I ever do? I mean all I asked her was if I could go to the 5 Seconds of Summer concert and then she explodes on me " We don't have enough money for that!" And " Nobody even likes them anyway." Now that's the one that really ticked me off.She knows that I love them.I have blasted their music in my room for two years now.I think that I should be able to go to their damn concert.Jeez.

" What was that all about?" My sister asks me. I glare over at her.

" Isabelle ,right now is not the best time for questions." I snap.She looks at me like I am weird .That's the thing she always looks at me like I did the weirdest thing or am the weirdest thing.

" What is wrong with you?" She glares at me.

" Oh great , ANOTHER question."I groan and she gets up.

" Well if you're going to be like that then I'm leaving." She stops to the door.

" K, bye." I say and she slams the door behind her.I listen closely and hear my sister whining about me to my mom.Great just another thing to add to the list.

I flop over on my bed and pull the covers over my head. I wish I was 18, so I could do anything I wanted to.I could drive I could go anywhere because technically I would not be in the care of my parents anymore.I would take acting lessons and hope to get a job in that area.That would be me.I wanna make a mark on the world.I wanna show people what they are capable of.The world is a playground, it's just sometimes people take to many things for granted.

" ELLA!" I hear my mom shout.

" Uh.. huh...why is it always me?" I groan to myself.I stumble out onto the landing of the stairs.

" Yes'm?"I put on a fake smile.

" Hmmm, just because your are mad that I told you you couldn't go to that concert doesn't mean that you take it out on your sister .Now get down here its time for dinner,oh and I forgot to mention.Charlie is coming over." She smiles devilishly.

" What?! Since when?!" I say frantically.

"Well his parents are at the hospital checking up on his grandmother so I figured while they are doing that he could stay here."She explains." And it's not like it's the end of the world you will be fine." She adds .I don't say anything I just walk off into my room and shut the door.

Oh my.. keep it cool.. no worries..It's not like he is the weirdest person ever.

Okay so Charlie is in the lowest social class, mostly because he is annoying and weird.The social classes starting from the top are:





Yeah I belong in the rejects ,because in no way am I a follower and I'm am most definitely not popular.The rejects aren't as bad as you think.

I put on my Jean short and a 5sos shirt.I flip my hair around until it looks okay and grab my phone.The doorbell rings and I hear my mom get the door.I refuse. I'm staying up here and locking myself in.I walk over to my door and lock it.

" ELLA! Charlies here!" My mom calls up at me.

Nope. I'm not going down there.She knows I can't stand him, but she is good friends with the parents.My phone buzzes.

" Get down here right now." My mom texts me.

" No, he bugs me.A LOT.Just tell him I am at a friends house."

"No, that is rude.And plus he likes you."She answers.

" Well, what does that have to do with anything?"I type.

" Well first of all nobody that you've told me has a crush on you ,but he does."

" MOM, he's wierd.."

" How do you know , you've never tried to get to know him."

"Has he ever tried to show you his wart inside his belly button?" I ask sarcastically.

" Eww okay that is a little wierd ,but still get down here or I will just send him up there."

" Mom me and you both know you would never allow a boy in my room other than relatives."

" True.. just come down here."

" No, what's in it for me?"I ask.


"Wow that makes me want to do it even more." I say sarcastically.

" Just be quiet and get down here."


"Okay." She replys.

Oh no. She is coming up.I hear her foot steps.she has a skeleton key. Damnit .I hear her shove the key in the door and unlock it.She pushes open the door and glares at me.She walks over to me and pulls me up of the ground.

" Come on someone is waiting for you." She says and pushes me out the door.I have no other choice but to give in.I walk down the stairs.

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