# 4

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When i get home my little sister runs up to her bedroom.Probably to go call her friends.I can't believe i have to babysit her i mean , i have a life too you know.No i take that back i probably just said that to reassure myself that this is living.

I walk into the kitchen and wash my hands.I mean you have no idea what lives on your hands after a day in highschool.I get started on a cup of tea and some lays.It may sound like a wierd mix but i like dip my lays in ketchup.Its actually really good.I turn the tv on to a 5 Seconds of Summer interview i had recorded.

My sister walks down with her phone , in her hand obviously taping me.

"There it is in its own habitat.This is a rare thing to see you almost never see it in its true form." she says in a low voice and tries to get closer ."Make your sound beast!" she shouts all the sudden.I turn to her and glare.

"Remind me ,how many times did mom drop you as a baby?" i ask.

"UH, MOM!" she shouts offended.Yes, goal complete.

"Hey loser face moms not here, didn't she tell you she is going to a business meeting and i'm babysitting you." i say.

"What!? She left me with you?!Wait and she thinks the house will still be standing when she gets back?" she says sarcastically.

"I know right , but still we have try and be civilized because if anything happens to this place then its my fault , so here lets just act like we don't know each other and whoever breaks character first has to take a cold shower." i say and she just walks off . I guess that's her acting.Good enough for me.I look back at the TV.

"Does anyone smell burning?" Ashton says and starts laughing."Its okay somethings on fire don't worry, I mean we don't.. i don't.. one thing we didn't like about preforming is we.." he starts laughing again.I giggle .

I swear he has the most adorable laugh ever, and the best part is he laughs all the time.

"Alright your a damn banana!" Calum says and Ashton starts sniffing the air and laughing." how are people gonna take this seriously?" he adds.

"I'm sure its fine.. its just like a horse on fire or something." Ashton says and they burst into laughter.

All the sudden the TV switches to Victorious.

"What?" i look over at my sister and she just stares at the TV .Hmm how do i do this without treating her like i know her.

"UHM hello i was just watching my favorite people so if you don't mind could you please leave." i say sternly.

"Uhm excuse me this is my space too and i don't think you need to watch this for the 5th time." she says sharply.

"Go take a cold shower." i simply state.

"What no i didn't break character." she says.

"Actually you did.. you would have to know me to know that i have watched this more than once ." she looks astounded," Go take a cold shower." i order.

"We never shook on it." she says in excuse.

"Well we don't know each other so why would we?" i get her again and she stomps off.Siblings i swear...

The rest of the night goes smoothly.I put Isabelle down for bed early and tell her that she can play on her phone until mom gets home ,then she has to act as if she is asleep.We ate macaroni for dinner, kinda made the noodles a little soggy but Isabelle didn't seem to notice.I go up into my room and call Jase until my mom gets home.We literally talked about nothing and everything .We talked about what we plan on doing during the summer and or classes next year which led to the topic of what we wanna become.

"I wanna be one of those guys who have their own little cafe." he says.

"Hmm that could be fun but you got have some pretty good coffee to live off of that kind of money , you could make it a part time job though."

"Yea thanks for truthfully crushing my dream." he says sarcastically.

"I didn't truthfully crush your dream , you will have a greater dream to accomplish one day." i explain.

"Okay how about you?" he asks.

"I don't know what i want to be, yet.What if i told you i wanted to be everything.I want to try everything out.I mean why do we have to decide when we all have no clue whats its like to be in that job.So i guess my answer would be i i wanna be anything my mind tells me to be.Anything and everything."I say.

"Jeez i am telling you right now you ought to be a writer ,because you go into depth man."

I hear my mom come in and call to me.

" No i suck ,but i got to go catch you later." i say and hang up.

I walk down the stairs.

" Hello momma." i say and she smiles at me.

"Hello honey wheres Isabelle ?" she asks.

"She is already in bed, probably asleep by now." i tell her.

"Oh good, how was your last day at school?" she sets her purse down and i give her a hug.

"I wouldn't bother asking." i answer and she smiles.

"That bad huh?"

"I wasn't so much as bad as it was boring." i say.

"Oh got'cha ."she puts a burrito in the microwave," i am pretty tired so after this i am crashing okay."she tells me.

"Okay, well good night i am going to head up." i say and start walking upstairs.

I silently shut my door and change into my fluffy pj pants and a long t shirt with of course fuzzy socks.I lay back on my bed and curl up into a ball.Once again my mind is traveling making up little scenarios to keep my mind occupied.They mainly consist of me meeting 5 Seconds of Summer when i know that i will never meet them.Al i can do is just sit here and scroll through their pics on insta along with all the other girls.I mean i know it can't just be me that feels this way, there has to be others...

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