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After my shower I brush my teeth and climb in bed.I swear this is the only place where I can hide from the world.Where I am brought back together by my own thoughts.I may seem rough on the outside ,but on the inside is what really counts.Sometimes i wish i had someway to reflect what I am on the inside the real me, but other times i just decide some people just deserve it.

I like it when I sit here in bed because my mind travels through many open doors. It takes me anywhere and everywhere all at once.I think some people take the human mind for granted.Some people think it is just there to hold knowledge,but boy are they wrong. There is way more, way more...

I wake up to my little sister moving around in my room.I pick up my clock and it reads 6:42a.m.This is ridiculous. I am a teenager, I need sleep, and I can't sleep if my little sister is always coming in my room at 6 freaking o'clock!

"Get out." i say plainly . I don't even look at her.

"Chill out okay." she says.

"Get out!"I repeat.

"Mom says its time for you to get up Its the last day of school remember." she says with her annoying little voice.

Okay am i dreaming or did she just ask me what my favorite color is.


"Sleep is my favorite color now get out of my room." i groan. I shove a pillow over my head.Can i just die now...

"What? You know what i don't even care.Good bye." i hear my door slam shut.I don't even have to get up until... oh ..oh wait.

I fling my covers off my bed and go over to my closet. I browse through the selection and pick out my ACDC shirt and a pair of jeans.I put on a jean jacket and my black hightops. I pull on a black beanie and cover up my ears.I only put on eye make up which consists of mascara and eyeliner.When i get out of the bathroom. I head down stairs for my usual breakfast of chocolate chip ego waffles and a banana.

"Oh i see you did your makeup , it looks good." my mom compliments.

"Thanks.You don't look to bad yourself." i compliment back.

"Oh thank you darling, now listen, i am going to be in a business meeting tonight so i will need you to watch your little sister tonight." she says.

"Oh no mom , don't i watch that little pest enough.Its bad enough that i have to live in the same house with her, i mean come on this is just giving her a chance to annoy me eve more." i groan.

"Oh honey , that's enough you have to ,oh and no fighting." she points at me.

"No promises." i say sarcastically and she kisses me on the forehead good bye.

Great just to top top everything off.Lets just focus on the one bright thing... its the last day of school. NO more being a freshman anymore i'm a sophomore now.I walk out to the bus stop...

I step out of the bus onto teenage territory .Highschool is not great, and there is simply nothing to make you look at it in positive lighting.In middle school everybody is so excited to go to highschool, but i just see a sentence 4 more years of school.Great , now that we've got that covered time to torture people.

"Hey, Ella." Jase says and walks up beside me.Jase is my bestie (as girls say today) he has been since second grade.

"Whats new Jase?" i ask.

"What do you mean whats new?" he stops and stares at me."I mean where to even start we are now sophomores in highschool, last day of school. No more having to deal with Ms. Marnie."I just giggle at him.

"You are ridiculous." i say.

" How are you not siked? he asks and holds his hands out

" i will be siked the day my mom allows me to go to the 5 Seconds of Summer concert." i tell him.

"WAIT, you mean to tell me she said no?" he says wrinkling his forehead.

"Yeah.. she did." i answer.

Wha.. that's.. that's ridiculous you have loved that band for almost two years now she.. she can't just do that to you." he says astounded.

"Yea.. but she did, and now i won't be able to see them preform ." i say opening my locker.

"But that's absurd!" he says.

"Thanks for agreeing with me."i grab my history books and shut my locker.

"Look i'm sorry Ella if there is anything i can do to get you there just call me and i will do it okay.I got to get to class so see you later." he says.

"K, bye." i give him a little wave and then walk off to class...

class these days aren't much of class, its of hanging out with friends.Movies and such .But you see i don't really have that many friends .I only have Jase, he has been my best friend since 2nd grade or did i already tell you that? oh well ,he is the only one i could ever talk to.I just feel different when i am around him, more... happy.I think its because of his attitude , its so positive.And i know he would do anything for me, and he knows i would do anything for him.

In history we turned in our text books , and watched some war movie.To be honest i didn't pay a bit of attention, and by the couple of drool spots and he tapping of pencils i can tell nobody else did either.

In what was supposed to be science , we turned in our books just like the last class and we watched "Finding Nemo". There was absolutely no sign of any eyes traveling from the screen. Lets just say we may be freshman in highschool ,but we still have that hidden child inside.

Okay honestly, all we did in all my classes, history,science,math,English class, and my french class,was turn in our books and watch movies or play games (in which i didn't play)

You see i'm not very social.That was the problem with the concert.Since i didn't have to many friends (1 in counting) it was very hard to find someone with the same interest in 5 Seconds of Summer.I don't know how Jase doesn't care about them ,they are awesome.They have they grand intro with the flashing lights and the low voice to introduce them.Yea its amazing...

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