Chapter 1(The past)

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Senju POV.

Today we went to visit the sanos house I was so excited and haru looked happy as well until......

"Doesn't it look so cool" Mikey said with stars in his eyes

"SO COOL!!" I said way to loud

Mikey was showing us his toy airplane. I wanted to play with it but I was to nervous to ask him

Then I got a great idea I would play with it when no one was around

So for now I'll wait.....

I was about to go and play with the toy airplane but then I saw Haru all by him self crying

I went up to him but all I heard were sobs coming for him

"Haru, why are you crying?" I said really concern

"I wish I could...I talk back to ....take like Mikey and baji do" Haru said sobing in between words

I felt bad for Haru cause hes right take is always yelling or saying mean things to Haru

"Haru I'm sure one day you'll be able to talk back just not know" I said hoping that might convince him

But it didn't because of what he said

"You don't know that because he never yells at you he treats you better because your a girl" he said a bit mad and yell a bit

I was a bit off guard when he said that but it was true

He never yell at me not once and we never argued at all

"I'm sorry senju but can you just give me space pls" he said with a sad and low voice almost whispering

But I still heard him because it was silent just the us two

"It's okay" I said a bit sad he said that

And with that I left him alone

I was still concern about Haru but I knew that he was strong enough to take care of him self

And I went to go look for the toy airplane that belongs to mikey

I found it and it was the biggest mistake of my life...

I grabbed the toy airplane and next thing I knew it was broken and into pieces

I was so scared just thinking what could go wrong if Mikey saw this

And as if luck hated me I heard footsteps behind me that got me shaking a bit

I turn around to see the last person I would want to see in my life

It was mikey...

"I'm so sor-" I said but was cut off

"Who did it" he said with a cold voice

I was scared so scared of what he could do that the words that left my mouth I wish never did

"I-it was h-haru" I said with a scared voice

I saw it. The look in his eyes they were dull and pure black but there was something in his emotionaless eyes that were speaking for him and it was angry pure angry

Next thing I knew Haru was on his knees holding the ends of each edges of his mouth and blood on his shirt and pants

And Mikey was in front of him with blood in his hands and his shirt

And baji was on the ground shock of what Mikey did

"Laugh Haru... " Mikey said with a cold tone

And that was the day everything went down hill and my bond with Haru was broken...

I'll post tmrw as I'm to tried to post the 2 one and it's not finish yet.

So we meet again..(mikey x senju)Where stories live. Discover now