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𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮

I got into the driver's seat and Matt and Nick were already in the car, they had to wait for me. I was actually ready for 10 minutes but I was still waiting at the exit of our school. I wanted to see her again, only for a second but she must have had before me school out.

The whole ride was quiet, which was not normal for us, one of us was always talking on the way home. When we got there Nick got out, I was just about to get out but I heard Matt talking. "Chris, what's going on?"

I turned to him and looked at him.
"Nothing, it's all good."
"So you're telling me you don't care at all that she's back."
I took a deep breath. "I'm not saying I don't care. But as long as she stays away from me, it's all good."

He threw his head back and shook it. "You're lying to yourself, Chris."
I clenched my jaw. "So What's the truth, smart Matt?"
"I think you'd like to talk to her because when you saw her in the cafeteria today, you realized you missed her." Ah he saw that.

"Of course I miss her, Matt. She's the girl I've loved my whole life. She was gone for two years and now she's just back and I don't even know her anymore. But no matter how much I miss her, I can't get over the fact that she left me."

"No one is asking you to do that",
" Now let it go, I don't want to talk about it." I said and got out.

That night I couldn't sleep and decided to take a walk. I walked through the streets until I arrived at the park where I had played with my brothers and her as a child. In the park was a kind of pond where a bench stood, from the bench you had a beautiful view of the sunset. I walked to the bench and stopped in front of it. When Loureline and I were 14 years old, I had carved L+C into the bench.

2 ½ years ago

Loureline and Chris sat together on the bench watching the sunset. Her head was on his shoulder and he was enjoying her closeness.

He decided it was the perfect moment to tell her what he had wanted to say for so long. "Eline?"

"Hm?" She lifted her head and looked at him. And for a moment they just sat there, looking into each other's eyes as if they could never get enough of it.

He took a deep breath and said: "I love you." Her eyes lit up and she had to smile.

She leaned forward and put her lips on his. He leaned against her to deepen their kiss. She put her hand on his neck and his left hand on her face and the other on her waist.

At first it was a soft, careful kiss but then it became more intense and harder, their lips moved in sync and they let out everything they had felt for years.

After a while she pulled away and drove her hand through his hair. "I love you too, Christopher." She said and he grinned.

"Really? I didn't expect that after that kiss." She giggled and slapped me softly on the shoulder.

I looked at our first letters and felt a stab in my heart. Here was our first kiss, here we confessed our love and we were so happy. And half a year later she was gone and all she left behind was my broken heart.

I want to scream at her and force her to explain and at the same time I want to hold her in my arms and kiss her. What am I going to do?

Her Pov

Every time I closed my eyes I saw his eyes and the anger with which he looked at me. He did not let me sleep. I got up, went to my desk and took out my drawing stuff. I drew him looking at me, I drew him walking down the hall with his friends and I drew him laughing with his friends and then I could finally sleep.
The next few days were normal, Chris and I looked at each other sometimes but I avoided him. Matt and Nick would talk to me during lunch breaks and sometimes it felt like I was never gone but then I missed Chris.

And already it was Friday.
"Are you coming to the game?" asked Nick. "Please come Lori." Automatically I looked at Chris. Nick followed my gaze and said,
"Chris won't even notice you're there, it'll be so crowded he won't see you in the crowd."
"Okay, I'm coming" I said,
"Really? Oh that's great." Amber squeaked in a high-pitched voice and hugged me.
Nick and I stood in the stands and watched Amber and her team line up in two rows and wiggle their pom poms.
The players ran through and we cheered. Matt looked into the crowd to look for me and Nick. Chris followed his gaze and I immediately crouched down and hid behind the people in front of me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" asked Nick.
"I don't want Chris to see me."
"Then he'll see you, and then what?"
"Later I'll distract him or something."

Nick laughed.
"You won't and come on up, the game is about to start." I stood up again and waited for the game to start.

His pov again

The game went well. We led by 7 points. Matt scored the last goal and the people in the stands were screaming.
"Yeahhhh Matt. Wuuuhoooo." I heard her voice clearly and then I saw her. She was standing next to nick and looking at Matt.

Then her eyes moved to me and our gazes met. Her eyes had so much to say and yet she stayed quiet. I need to talk to her, I can't take this anymore.

The referee blew his whistle and closed the game. I took my eyes off her and met my teammates in the middle of the field to do our victory call.

After changing we met Amber, Nick and Lori at the exit.
"Lori, are you coming to join us?" Matt asked and she looked at us surprised, she must not have heard us coming. She looked briefly at me and then quickly away again. Say yes, say yes, I thought, but she shook her head.

"My dad is coming to get me. But thanks, next time I'll come with you," she said
"Okay then, see you on Monday." Matt said and gave her a high five. Yeah, see you on Monday." She said and looked at me for a moment and then left.

𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 - Chris SturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now