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𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮
2 years ago

Loureline was sitting with her parents at the dinner table, she was just telling what she had done with the boys that day when her mother interrupted her. "Honey, your father and I have something to tell you."

The look on her parents' faces was serious and Lori knew it didn't mean anything good. "What's wrong?" she asked.
Her father looked at her sadly while her mother spoke. "I got a great job offer in Texas and I'm going to take it."

Lori looked at her mother as if she had just spoken Spanish.
"What does that mean?" she asked, still hopeful that they wouldn't move away.
"We're moving to Austin at the end of the summer." Her mother said and Lori's heart broke.

She shook her head. "You can't be serious."
"Yes, I know it's going to be hard for you, but you'll make friends there." Said her mom and Lori looked at her dad.
"You don't really want to do this, do you dad?" He looked at her and his eyes said no but his mouth said yes.

She stood up and looked at her mom.
"Did you think about me for a second in this plan, mom? I don't want to leave. I have my friends and my boyfriend here. I don't want to leave. Mom please don't take it. I'm begging you." "Lori, it's already decided, we're leaving." Her mother whispered.

Lori screamed. "Why? Why are you doing this to me? Why don't you go by yourself and we'll stay here?"
"You want me to move to Texas without you?" "Yes, as long as I can stay here."
"How did I raise you to be so disrespectful to your mother?" she asked.
"You raised me here, my whole life, and now you want to leave, that's not fair of you."

"I think it's better if you go to you room now," said her father, who had been quiet all the time.

Lori ran upstairs and slammed her door. She lay down in bed and screamed into her pillow, she was so mad.

On Monday I was one of the first ones in the classroom again. And when Matt came in and walked up to me I thought he was going to tell me something but he sat down next to me, that Made me smile.

"Hey," he said, getting his pens out of his bah. "Morning."

"If you want, I can pick you up in the morning, so your dad doesn't have to drive all the time." He said. "Thanks, Matt, I appreciate it, but I don't think that's a good idea." "Okay."

After math, we went our separate ways and made plans to meet in the cafeteria. When the time came and I entered the cafeteria I saw Matt, Amber and Nick sitting at our table with Chris.

I wanted to turn around and leave but it was too late Am had already seen me and came to me. She hooked me with one arm. "Don't mess with me Lori, it's just Chris." "I hate you Amber" I said.

He watched me as I came to the table and sat next to Amber, across from Nick. We kept silent and listened to the others talk. Our eyes kept crossing and I just wanted to leave.

Just sitting there and not being able to talk to him, not being able to touch him and not being able to kiss him was driving me crazy. When the bell rang, I immediately got up and went to my next class.
Matt and I had the same class again and he sat next to me again.

"That was weird right there." He said.
"I know."
"You guys should really talk."
"He won't hear anything from me."
"Yeah you say that all the time" he said and rolled his eyes.

He had no idea what had happened between us the day I left. He didn't know what I had said to Chris, how I had yelled at him and what he had blamed me for.

𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 - Chris SturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now