Chapter 3

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The noise emerging from outside was much to put one out of bed. ' Louis ' was the first name I had mentioned.

The dungeon was extremely dark that one could not differentiate day and night.

The guards outside kept banging at the dungeon gate, yelling at the top of their voices. " Get up from your slumber!". The first guard announced.

" Get up or I shall double your labour" . My legs were shaking as I tried getting up but always, falling to my knees.

" You must wear this ". Louis said as he handed me the clothes and without looking at me, he left. I tried becokoning him but my mouth we're just opened, no words could form. I watched him till his back was seen no more.

Without arguing, I was led to the kitchen which was in a nasty condition.  The floor and plates were dirty, the horses were starving and the cows were not milked.

" Why are you staring? Get to work!". I heard the sounds of whip on my back, tears tickling down my eyes while Louis watched me from distance.

" I'll watch her, go ". Louis said. I quickly turned away from him as I went back to washing the dishes. " Isabelle ".

It was the first time Louis called me ' Isabelle '. He was worried for me.

" Don't scold me now, it's too late ". I said, scrubbing the dishes harder even when it became clean.

" I won't ", he said pulling the dishes away " but what did you gain if you lay down your life for someone who don't cherish that ?". He continued, helping me wash the dishes.

" I gained a lot ", I said, getting a bucket of water as I started scrubbing the ground so hard. " You can bear to see me there but what of I?".

" Doing things in anger won't help ", he said walking towards the end of the room.  " It's been two days since you've been in there and don't you feel this sought of unknown pain, that pain that makes you regret this, don't you? ".

" No ", getting close to Louis as tears started rolling down my eyes,  " not at all. The pains I feel is the pain of being abandoned by you ". I said pointing his chest but when he became silent I quickly shrug my shoulders and continued.

He left.

                   *  *  *  *  *


What sought of being is my lady? Her essence was so powerful that I could have lost my life standing so close to her.

The flash of her back at the gate of Gamateon was astounding. She was beyond control, her power were much more greater than that of the sorcerers -- she wasn't in her full powers and yet she had destroy almost half of the forest.

She must stay out of rage till her essence can be controlled lest she wipes the world into exile.

It was forbidden for the history of the QUEEN'S book to be re-read by mortals, since I wasn't a mortal being, I had access to the book.

The book was found in the underground of the kingdom in disguise of a wall. It could not be seen by mere immortals except one possesses the blood of royalty.

I had hidden the book from king Ephraim Luther for if he gets hold of the book, he shall take advantage of the  QUEEN'S power.

" The Queens rebirths shall remain unknown ", even the book wrote nothing on the Queen's rebirth but aside the Queen Cordelia Duke Hamms, queen of destruction, was there another queen?

I extinguished the fire when footsteps were heard followed by some evil laughter. ' It must be king Ephraim '.

" Poor wretched Louis, "

It's Harold ?!

" He must be in pain seeing Isabelle in dungeon, I shall make her suffer ", his voice was becoming faint but i could still hear him " Louis shall cry his eyes out for her but his hands far from her reach". He said before his voice died slowly.

If Harold is not with me, he's against me. He want to betray me.

I must send My lady to Gamateon not even kripal shall know her whereabout. I have to leave here at once but the soldiers are outside, what shall I do?

I shall slay them all !

The thought of that brought smile to my face as I stared at my sword.

He threw his swords as his eyes shone sapphire while his swords went, slaying all the soldiers at the entrance. The smell of blood filled the air and the sound of moaning soothes his mind.

Louis would have loved to slay every soldiers who had laid hands on his lady but he was sure that spending a minute here was going to attract the half-werewolf of a king.

My lady needs me.

I wanted to find out what descendant of immortals was my lady but it was wasted. ' Harold shall pay with his blood '. It my promise to him.

Getting to Isabelle's dungeon, she had passed out. I was amazed to see pile of dead soldiers laying on the ground, ' she must be weak '. Her nails suddenly started reducing and her hair became darker.

' I shall come for you later '. I said kissing her forehead before sending her to Gamateon. She would be safe with her old nanny.

What do you think of this chapter?
What of Harold?

Louis and Cordelia are so cuteeee 😍😍

I seem to like Louis as well, as long as my Cordelia is happy with him.

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