Back story 1: Siren's Explorer

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I am a SE-1 robot model that works under the command of a ship called Adder. I don't know where I came from or what was my job before but the only thing I remembered is that I woke up in under a somewhat looking underground facility where Adder is working. Adder told me that I will be working for him and other ships now while installing on me a device that I don't know yet. He also told me that I was captured by a faction called Siren, which he mentioned as the origin of me but I'm sure about that. I was designed to be cheap, factory-made without any emotional feeling so I don't feel anything

Adder assigns me to a bar on top of a mountain that he designs and guides me through the facility, the name of the alcohol, and how to make them. He even showed me a private area that only I can access that he said was "a place for ships that ordered private service". I have been working there since the place was officially in business, many ships have come up here for a quick rest and sightseeing before coming back to the town for work. I also heard that this is a great place to watch another faction called "Azur Lane" but I'm not sure about that.

About the "secret service" that Adder mentions, some "Eagle Union" ships have come here and tried it out. The price is kinda high but according to Adder, any ship with "Eagle Union" will have a 70% discount so a lot of them frequently come back for the service. The service that Adder is talking about is "sexual intercourse" as Adder has told me to phrase it. In service time, the ships get to do anything with me except for harsh things that will potentially damage me

Overall, the quality time I have it's great fun, I also met some SE models that work in other jobs too. They are also working under Adder's control but I'm not allowed to say anything about them

Do you guys like this? Is a small scuffed and rush backstory for any Siren that works in the town. As I told you before, Adder is a mad guy, and experimental submersible is what to sum up about him (hehe you know what sexual intercourse right? Fancy way of saying sex)

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