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Rimuru's POV

In Tempest

Rimuru is in his office doing his kingly duty then a knock can be heard from the door

*knock* *knock*

Rimuru: Come in shuna

Shuna comes in with a bunch of other paperworks

Shuna: Rimuru-sama this is the paperwork for this month

Rimuru felt like he was about to throw up at seeing it

Rimiru: Okay thanks

A little dishearted when he suddenly start to remember a Game he use to play

Rimuru: Genshin Impact...

with a sad tone

{{Master you seems sad}}....

Rimuru: Hiyahhh.... Ciel its not like that its just i like that game and Eula that character is my in that game


Rimuru: What is it Ciel?

{{Master do you want me to create a world similar to it?}}

Rimuru: No theres no need for that i don't want it if its created by me

{{What if i just go and find a world similar to that?}}

Rimuru: uhmm? but why? why do you want me to go there so much?

{{Master you have taken a Vacation for so long and even if you go to vacation with the others you always become there Caretaker which equivalent to not enjoying it}}

Rimuru: Oh that

{{and i saw your memory playing it with so much joy in you}}

Rimuru:'How sweet this mana and my lovely partner'.

Rimuru: Rimuru okay but how about Tempest and this paperworks?

{{i recommend just create a Parallel-existence to do it but also informed the executives it might cause some trouble}}

Rimuru: Yeah and if you do that erase my knowledge related of that place i want to experience it and i want to travel with Lumine from the beginning is it okay?

{{Its okay Master but it will take atleast 3 day for it to be ready to go}}

Rimuru: its okay i just finish this and enjoy it later

Rimuru did all the work he can do and look around Tempest and was satisfy in how peaceful it is How many human/demi-human and monster was all laughing together and there's people try to commit crime and the next moment is he is now being being drag happily by Ultima and then i went to the school and meet Shizu she was revive by me and the others and it cause to much of my magicules we talk about thinks and went back on my way back i saw Testarro and the 2 other demons having tea and i felt relieve its too peaceful then i went to my office and call the executive to meet me there


Veldora: Yo Rimuru why did you call all the executives will you do something?

Shizu: Rimuru-san?

Rimuru: I'm going on a Vacation on my own


Diablo: Kufufufufufu Rimuru-sama in that case please take me with you i be of assistance to you

Benimaru: Yeah Rimuru-sama please atleast take someone with you

3demoness: Yes my lord please do take someone

Rimuru: uhmm okay then i take Ranga with me since every single one of you is still needed here in Tempest i just want to inform you since i plan to leave a Parallel-existance so don't worry about it.

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