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Somewhere in Starsnach cliff

Lumine: at that time i was all alone until i met Paimon 2 months ago

Paimon: Yeah Paimon really owes you for that one otherwise Paimon would have drown

Rimuru: How the heck are you endup drowning you can literally fly

Paimon: Whatever We should head off now. Let's go

We start to walk around we met some slime and Lumine was hesitant to kill it and everytime we saw one she would look at me and i just respond with a glare til me saw a red thingy like a Bishop chess piece thingy

Rimuru: What the heck is that?

Lumine: Yeah whats that

Paimon: Thats a Teleporter we can teleport to that only those we unlock.

Rimuru: oh how convinient

Lumine: Yeah

We resume our trek and climb

Paimon: Okay Let's take the route we plan

Lumine: Yeah so where are we going?

Paimon: We're off to.... a Statue of the seven

Rimuru: Oh Statue of the Seven are they gods?

Lumine: Maybe

Paimon: Which of the seven are you looking for exactly?

Lumine: A tall lady with white hair

Rimuru: A god that can use some kind of space like and looks like an Adult version of yourself

Paimon was shock

Paimon: Ehh? look like Paimon an Mature version?

Rimuru: heheh Yeah she can also float and has something to do with space

Paimon: uhmm?

Rimuru: Well thats it don't think of it too much

Paimon focus her attention in front amd we was stun to the view

Paimon: Oh Wow

Rimuru: Wow really its Beautiful

Then Paimon point at the Statue with a girl in braids holding a orb

Paimon: Thats the statue of the seven.

Paimon: There are few of these statue scattered across the land to show The Seven's protection over the world.

Paimon: Among the seven gods, this gods control the winds

Rimuru: Oh God of Winds huh?

Paimon: Paimon's not sure wether the god you're looking for is the Anemo God but....

Rimuru: uhmm Anemo not wind God

Paimon: Yeah and i explain next time the other

Rimuru: Okay

Lumine: Hehehe

Paimon: Paimon'll take you to Anemo God's place first, and there's a reason why~

Rimuru: Oh is it interesting?

Lumine: might be

Paimon start to head to the statue of the seven and explain things

Paimon: As we all know poetry, and laguage flow like a wind

Paimon: There'll definitely someone who knows about your brother right Rimuru~ atleast thats what Paimon's think

Rimuru: Yeah and let's

Lumine: Yeah and theres more other places to visit

Paimon: Wether the gods actually answer you is a different story. You never know unless you try.

Rimuru: Yeah thats what Adventures are

Lumine smile to us warmly

Lumine: Yeah thanks you two

Lumine,Rimuru,and Paimon got to the Statue of the seven. Lumine decide to touch the statue and its light up with light green cilor and gather to the Orb that the statue was holding and a orb with a mark of wings in it color green went inside Lumine and some of her ornaments begun to glow green

Rimuru: Ohhh Looks great like some sort of "Chosen One" hehehe

Paimon: Whoaaahhhhh did you just feel the element of the world?

Rimuru: So she cam now control wind i hope its strong and now only cam use as a breeze

Paimon: Seems all you have to do was just touch the statue amd you gor the power of Anemo

Rimuru: 'Ciel did you do some analysis?'

{{Yes Master it seems like it just a Lesser version of Magicules so none of anything in this world can hurt and kill you}}

Rimuru: 'Thank you Ciel as expected'

Paimon: As much as they might want it, people in this world can never get a hold of power as easily as you...

Lumine: This can't be good...

Paimon: Its a bit rude to say that about the power the Gods just gave you!

Rimuru: HEhehe calm down paimon she was just worried

Paimon: Anyway If we keep heading west from here, we'll eventually reach mondstadt, The City of Freedom

Rimuru: Oh City of freedom huh how interesting

Paimon: Mondstadt is the City of Wind, because they worship the God of Anemo,

Paimon: So perhaps because you got your power from the God of Anemo, you can find some clues there,

Paimon: There are also lots of bards there, so perhaps one of them has heard news of your Brother

Rimuru: Lumine seems like we now had a Destination at mind

Rimuru give Lumine a smile

Lumine: Yeah and our journey is only just begun

Paimon: Let's move then

Paimon: The elements in this world respond to your prayers and Paimon and Rimuru thinks thats a lovely sign

We got attack by pyro slime is what they called Lumine killed them to practice her new power with that weird look again like she annahilate my clan

Rimuru: 'Stop giving me that look."

Rimuru X Genshin(Lumine)Where stories live. Discover now