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Rimuru's POV

Rimuru: humm......

Rimuru look around and i was there in a beach looking place with a cliff just 50 meter away from me

Rimuru: 'Ciel did we succeed?'

{{Hai Master without a any problem}}

Rimuru: 'As Expected of you'

{{Fufufu praise me more Master}}

Rimuru: 'Let's go down the business shall we'

???: W-who are you?

A beautiful girl said while pointing her sword at me and next to her is a flying child? she has white hair and 4 pointed star as a ornaments and she is flying without magic

Rimuru: Oh its you

The girl looks confuse

???: Me? i never met you

Rimuru: I mean the one being seal by that lady that calls herself sustainer of heavenly principles

The girl was shock

???: How about my brother???

Rimuru: Brother?

???: Yes he was seal first before me

Rimuru: So your brother was tale away from you sorry but i really don't know

???: oh it such a shame by the way did you get trap here by that lady?

Rimuru: Nope i came here on my own and i cam't be defeated by someone only at that level

???: Whoaa so you defeat that lady?

the little flying child said

Rimuru: Well the battle was one-sided and he run away after one blow so yeah i won

???: oh Most of my powers was sealed off to so i really can't fight her again right now

Rimuru: So I'm Rimuru Tempest known as Chaos creator and Leader of monster

the two was shock

Lumine: Oh i'm Lumine and this is Paimon

Paimon: Yeah its me

Lumine: What do you mean by Chaos creator and Leader of monster?

Rimuru: oh thats my Title

Lumine: but Leader of monster you are a Human right?

Rimuru: Oh i'm not a Human

Rimuru transform into his slime form

Rimuru: I slime Rimuru i'm not a bad slime

Rimuru said cutely while observing there reaction the two were both shock

Paimon: Wait aren't slime suppose to be weak?

Lumine: and you make that crazy lady ran away

Rimuru went back to his human form wearing his true dragon clothes

Rimuru: Well im a unique one hehe

Rimuru: So what do you plan to do now?

Lumine: Well Paimon and I plan to visit the seven nation what do you plan to do?

Rimuru: Well i plan to Adventure this world

Lumine then said

Lumine: Wanna come with us?

Rimuru: Yeah i don't mind

Paimon: hehehe 3 Beautiful lady travelling together

Rimuru stop and said

Rimuru: I'm a guy

Lumine and Paimon stop on there tracks and look at Rimuru with a shock eyes

Lumine: You are... What?

Paimon: I might hear something about being a guy haha well you can't be right

Paimon gulp innocently like saying "You have to be a girl with that beautiful face that surpass even lumine". she stared at me and wait for my answer.

Rimuru said in a serious tone

Rimuru: I'm a GUY

Paimons face turn pale

Paimon: No

Rimuru: HEhehe lets go now  the world is waiting for us

Lumine and Paimon smile and ran toward Rimuru and start the Journey

Paimon: I'm the one that show be going ahead Im the Best Guide you know

Rimuru and Lumine just laugh

Rimuru X Genshin(Lumine)Where stories live. Discover now