Chapter 3 Boy and the dragon

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Rimuru's POV

This girl!!!

Rimuru: Lumine stop looking at me when you kill a slime

Lumine look down and avoid eye contact

Paimon: These are the anemo power you got from Statue of the seven

Rimuru: Well not bad but stop giving me that look

Lumine: heheh okay

Paimon: Paimon's so jealous, Why doesn't Paimon get cool fighting powers?

Rimuru: You just have your own style

Lumine: Yeah and let's go now

after walking for a few minutes the wind begun to change then we look up and saw a beautiful blue Dragon

Rimuru&Lumine: A Dragon!!!

The dragon ignore us and was heading toward the forest that we were about to enter.

Paimon: Whoaah what is that

Paimon: Something huge in the sky

Paimon: It's heading toward the heart of the forest. We must proceed with caution.

{{Master the dragon is only at the level of an Awakened demon lord}}

Rimuru: 'Ohh Thanks Ciel'

Lumine: Should we follow it?

Rimuru: Well if its okay

Paimon: Its okay mondstadt is just that way anyway so Let's goo

We head inside the forest on the ways there we encounter some slimes again and i kill it myself Lumine still give me those weird look which iritate me we also get some chest and saw the dragon and a girl(boy?) with braids like the Statue of the seven we were behind a tree watching those two

???: Don't be afraid

???: It's alright now, I'm back.

Rimuru: 'That boy/girl'

Paimon: Is he Talking to a dragon

Lumine's Anemo energy react for some reason and the boy and drahon notice it


???: Who's there?

The boy suddenly teleport and the roar of the dragon cause shockwave to us for me its just a breeze but paimon can barely keep flying so she end up grabbing lumine's hair then the Dragon flew away

Paimon: Tgat was close! Paimon almost got blown away

Paimon: Luckily Paimon get to grab a hold of your hair thanks

Lumine: Good thing you didn't pull my hair out

Rimuru: What a breeze

Paimon: Breeze for you but for us hoooo

Rimuru: Whats that red tear drops???

Paimon: Might be something to do with the weirdo and the dragon

Lumine: Is it to dragon Normal?

Paimon: Of course not

Rimuru: Yeah of course

Paimon and Rimuru look at each other

Paimon: oh right you are from another world too

Rimuru: HEhehe

Paimon: I don't know what that red tear drop is but i have a bad feeling about it

Rimuru: I can feel so many malice in there

Paimon: Yeah best we put it away for now

Lumine: I take it then

Lumine then put it somewhere in her bag and the malice there has disappear but no one notice except Rimuru

Paimon: Let's get out of here hehe

We exit the forest but then a some can be here

*stomp* *stomp*

???Hey you two stop right there

We come to a halt then look up we saw a wild red bunny jump off and land in front of us

???: May the anemo God protect you, stranger

Amber: I'm Amber, Outrider for the Knights of Favonius.

She said while doing some kind of pose

Amber: You don't look like citizen of Mondstadt

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Amber: You don't look like citizen of Mondstadt. Explain yourself!

Paimom: We're not looking for troubles

Amber: Thats all the troublemakers say.

Lumine: Hello, I'm Lumine

Rimuru: I'm Rimuru

Amber: Doesn't sound like a local name for me

Rimuru: Well we're Travellers

Amber: and this Mascot?

Rimuru&Lumine: Emergency food!

Paimon: Hey thats even weird being a Mascot...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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