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Belly woke up the next morning after the worst night of her life, guaranteed. She exhales as she slowly gets up and feels her head wanting to explode. She takes a look at her vibrating phone as she saw her mother's number, and instantly she knew why she was phoning her.

"Mom! Morning," Belly said.

"Belly Conklin, what is going on?" Laurel asked as Belly jumped up from bed.

"Oh crap. That phone call. I'm..." Belly tried saying but her mother's voice came above hers.

Conrad and Steven were in the kitchen as Jeremiah came in. Steven looked at the two brothers while he knew for a fact that things were going to change a lot for them. He remembered yesterday very clearly, but he also remembered that the two nearly had a fist fight about his sister. Conrad had shaken hearing footsteps coming down the stairs and saw Belly.

"Mom, I'm fine," Belly said as she mouthed 'help' to the boys.

Conrad had cleared his voice.

"Isabel, want some coffee?" Conrad asked.

His voice was soft and sweet, tender in a way. Belly smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, Connie, that will be nice," Belly said as Conrad made his way to the kitchen and Belly could hear her mother chuckle.

"You guys soon good," Laurel said as Belly smiled and looked at Conrad, him busy preparing a cup of coffee for her.

"We had a lot to sort out yesterday, but we are okay now. I'm sorry about the phone call last night," Belly said.

"I'll save the house. I know how. Tell your brother end of the week Taylor's mom wants her home, and I want you home for your birthday. Bring the boys with, and tell Jeremiah that is non-negotiable," laurel said ending the call.

"Phew," Belly said as Conrad handed her a cup of steaming coffee.

"Thank you," Belly said, kissing Conrad's cheek, as she smiled at him.

"Since when does Conrad call you Isabel?" Steven asked shocked as Belly smiled.

"He did yesterday as well, and it looked like she loved it. She didn't have the same reaction as always," Jeremiah said as Belly looked at him.

"He called me Isabel a lot when we were together. Like almost all the time," Belly said.

"Bells, you guys aren't together anymore, and why are you lying to your mother? You two are not okay in the slightest," Taylor said.

"Know what?" Conrad said facing Belly.

"I think you told me how you felt yesterday, in a way I did the same, and now we need to think how to act on it. I don't think I want us to be done," Conrad said.

"I also don't want that," Belly said as Conrad smiled at her.

"You guys are done, and that's just how it is. Conrad is unreliable and you know that, Belly," Jeremiah said as Conrad looked at his brother.

"Don't listen to him. Hey," Belly said as Conrad looked at her.

"We've gotten too far to just give in. I've taken things too far with you to just stop and throw in the towel," Belly said as Conrad exhaled.

"Have we really?" Conrad asked as Belly looked at him knowing what went through his head.

"Conrad, you were my first time, and I don't know about you, but that is what I call..."

"Commitment and love," Conrad said smiling at her.

"Wait what!" Steven said as Belly looked at her brother while Conrad looked at his.

The one brother just looked disgusted at what he had heard while the other one was looking at the two of them like his world had collapsed. Belly bit her lip as she felt Conrad's arm around her waist and just smiled at him. For her, in that moment, everyone else disappeared and it was just her and Conrad in the room.

"Belly, I didn't know that you had your first time. I thought you were still waiting for the right time," Taylor said.

"I had the right time and the right guy in December," Belly said as Conrad smiled.

"Just a pity that you guys had to go through some heartache first before you could truly know that. One thing before you guys state whether you guys are trying as a couple again or just staying friends," Steven said as Belly looked at her brother.

"Just don't break her heart again. She went through enough in April when that happened," Steven said.

"This time, I don't think I'll ever do it. Not again," Conrad said as Belly smiled.

"Can we talk about the fact that your relationship went that far?" Jeremiah asked as Conrad looked at his brother.

"Yeah, well I don't just drop everything I care about, and if I wasn't going through so much shit with Mom's cancer, I would've fought for her. That is the one thing I won't ever do. Not fight for Belly," Conrad said.

"Time for some rules with all of this," Belly said looking at her friends and brother.

"First rule; if you have such a huge issue with me and Conrad, get out of my life, because I don't have the energy to fight even more about the boy that I choose to build a life with," Belly said looking at Taylor.

Second rule; no more saying 'you had Jeremiah, and that wasn't enough. You had to have Conrad'. Because that is the biggest shit I have ever heard," Belly said as Steven bit his lip.

"And last rule; one more time hearing the words 'I saw Conrad dumping you' and that is the end," Belly said looking at Jeremiah.

"You have had an issue with your brother since we were 14, and I've had enough with that. Not even Susannah thought that, and if anyone knew your brother, it was your mother," Belly said.

"With that, I have some huge news," Conrad said as Belly looked at him.

"I'm transferring colleges," Conrad said as Steven looked at him.

"To where?" Steven asked.

"Closer to the person who holds my heart, so I am going to be going to the University of Pennsylvania starting September," Conrad said as Belly looked at him.

"Wait, what? Are you serious, Conrad? I don't expect that from you," Belly said.

"If I want anything, it would be our relationship to work, and this time I'm making the distance we have to travel shorter," Conrad said as Belly smiled.

"I'm giving this relationship my all. End of August I am rewriting this final that I had failed or missed, and then I am joining the Conklin's for that last week before going to UPenn," Conrad said as Belly gently kissed him.

"I'll love to have you closer, and then we can make our relationship work better as well," Belly said as Conrad nodded.

Bonrad One Shots - The Summer I Turned PrettyWhere stories live. Discover now