12. Stella's inner flame

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As the weeks passed Callie became more and more powerful. They were training Callie at Alfea. The winx really wanted her to be ready for the battle's time.
"You must remember, you can also leash your ultimate power if you're not angry!" Bloom said.
"Negative feelings birth dark magic, you can't rely on that!" Musa explained.
"I know, I finally can control my magic." Callie smiled at them "Thanks girls." she held hands with Bloom.
"She really is stronger now." Flora said.
"But we still need to get Stella back to her first transformation." Aisha said.
"Flora, how did you get back your previous powers?" Stella asked her.
"My love from Helia made realise that I'm still as powerful as ai was before." Flora explained.
"Why must everything be about Helia?" Musa snapped.
"Musa!" Bloom gave Musa a hard look.
"Since this years started everything has been about Helia, I'm getting tired of this." Musa rolled her eyes.
"Musa! It's alright that you miss Riven, but don't take it out on Helia, and at least not in front of Callie!" Flora snapped at Musa.
"Flora, it's alright!" Callie calmed her down.
"I'm sorry Callie, I just- I just" Musa couldn't find her words.
"You're overwhelmed and upset because Riven hasn't reached out to you since he left?" Bloom asked her.
"Yes, I'm sorry, I really am." Musa apologised.
"It's alright, Musa. Nex time try to controll your emotions." Flora smiled at her and gave her a hug.
"Now where were we?" Stella asked "Oh yes, finding my inner flame." Stella said.
"Look deep inside your heart." Flora suggested.
Then the specialists' spaceship appeared and landed at the courtyard of Alfea.
"What are they doing here?" Bloom wondered.
They walked out from the ship and they were in their uniforms.
"Solaria has been attacked, again." Brandon.
"Nice, never thought it would be possibel to not be happy to see you guys." Techna sighted.
"Whar?!" Stella jamp up and started panicking.
"The Second Sun of Solaria has been attacked by Donovan and the Trix is has taken over the palace." Sky explained.
"We gotta go!" Bloom said.
"I promise if they do anything to my clothes I won't stand good for myself." Stella stormed into the ship.
"Callie, maybe you should stay here!" Helia walked up to his sister.
"Not a chance. I can control my magic now, ask Flora." Callie shook her head "And besides, I missed you." Callie smiled at him and he embraced her.

When they entered the Palace of Solaria they were welcomed by the trix.
"Icy! Where are my parents!" Stella asked.
"Don't worry ,they're fine." Icy waved her off.
"They're fine, in the dungeons." Darcy laughed.
"Oh no, mom, dad! I'll get your for this!" Stella said.
"Magic Winx, Bloomix!" Bloom said the incantation.

Callie tranformed again and blasted Icy as strong as she could.
"I see you can use your magic precisely now." Icy observed.
"Yes, and I won't rest untill I get you, you old-fashioned cunt! You can't even do your makeup properly, those harsh edges, ugh, have you ever heard about blending? And your roots are completely grown down, you should redye your unhealthy and dry hair!" Callie snapped at her.
"What is she doing?" Timmy asked Helia.
"I have no idea." Helia said.
"She's distracting Icy! Stella go and get your parents. Techna, attach her from the back!" Bloom said.
"Alright, Bloom!" Stella flew away from the throne room.
Techna blasted Icy and she got thrown to the wall.
"Really? I was just getting to her!" Callie giggled.
"What was that?" Aisha asked her.
"She messed with Helia, and no one messes with my brother!" Callie explained.
"I like that!" Brandon chuckled.
"Girls, focus!" Musa gave them a hard look and blasted Darcy.

Stella flew to the dungeons and freed her parents.
"Mom, dad!" she hugged the king and queen of Solaria.
"Oh Stella, we knew you'd come." her mother, Luna said "But your father is really weak. You must stop the Second Sun of Solaria from setting down!" Luna looked into her eyes.
"Don't worry mom, I've faced many difficulties as a guardian fairy. I got this!" Stella said and flew away.
Stella flew up to the sky and looked around. She flew to the Second Sun of Solaria where Donovan was waiting for her.
"Diavolo!" she looked at him.
"It's Donovan, actually!" he corrected her.
"Stop talking!" she blasted him but he didn't even feel it "What?" Stella gasped.
"Your bloomix powers aren't strong enough to defeat me." he said.
"What?" Stella looked around in confusion.
"And you can't use your other powers, pathetic fairies. That's the only good thing the trix has done well." Donovan chukled.
"Wait, if even you find them useless, then why are you working with them?" Stella asked.
"They are still powerful witches." Donovan responded.
"And I'm still a powerful fairy! I won't let you win!" Stella snapped at him.
"The sun is already setting, my dear princess!" he pointed at the Second Son of Solaria.
"Oh no, I must stop him somehow, I am the crown princess and guardian fairy of Solaria! I am the Fairy of the Shining Sun! With my light I will wipe out your dark butt you oldfashioned grumpy old man!" Stella started channeling her magic and blasted him again "Solaria is my kingdom and I'll save it from you!" she said and she started shining so bright as a dimaond. She felt more powerful then ever "What, what's going on?" she looked around and transformed back into an Enchantix fairy.

She blasted Donovan so hard that he was thrown back to his castle.
"Nooooo!" he scramed.
"I must stop the Sun from setting down." she casted a spell on the sun but I was too sat down, she couldn't do anything "Oh no!" she cried.

The winx was still fightinf the trix.
"Sisters! Get Helia!" Icy ordered them.
"Stop! Don't go near him!" Flora flew in front of Darcy and Stormy.
"Oh, please!" Stormy rolled her eyes.
"Breeze Blast!" she blasted Stormy.
While she was busy with Stormy, Dracy got to Helia.
"Leave him alone!" Callie flew into their direction but Icy blasted her and she fell down.
"Callie!" Helia started running to her and Darcy got him.
"Sisters, let's go!" Icy teleported theselves away with Helia.
Stella flew there and restored the ruined building into its glory.
"Stella, you've got back your powers!" Bloom cheered her.
"Yes, my love and dedication to Solaria woke up the flame inside me." Stella explained "But what's happened here?" she looked around.
"They took Helia!" Flora responded.
"Oh no! But why would they?" Stella asked.
"It must have to do something with me." Callie walked there to them.
"Then we must free him!" Sky insisted.

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