Our Nest

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I fixed my hair in my reflection giving the bangs an adjustment, I grabbed my tall purple bottle from the vanity and generously spritzed my neck and body before returning it to its place. I picked up my handbag and headed out of my room grabbing my keys as I went. I saw my mother sprawled across the white and blue floral sofa and quite frankly didn't want to give her the time of day, but as I got to the porch I found my guilt overwhelming and I turned around to go to the sofa I checked her pulse and she was still alive even if it was crazy as usual, I made her a glass of water sitting it on the table put her stuff back in her box making sure to lock it up tight, throwing away the needle and putting a blanket over her. I headed out locking the door behind me scampering down the steps and into the night. I headed down a few blocks to the small convenience store grabbing some chips, some candy, and just general snacks. Once I paid and left I headed to my true destination I headed down the street soon enough arriving at the half-broken little house with the light on within and a single light off on the outside. I saw a sweet sight Samuel sat on the porch steps in his cheap knock-off high tops from the local market, a pair of light wash blue jeans two sizes too big for him with the knees almost worn out and a few holes in need of repair as they began to get scraggly, his plain white t-shirt with them an unbuttoned short sleeve yellow shirt with some kind of pattern in not sure what. He was fluffy as usual smiling widely as the comic book in his hand, his arms pale and slightly shivering where he'd clearly been outside a good while, I went over and sat down on the stone beside him tussling his fluffy hair which made him jump but blush

"Oh uhh hi y/n"

"Hi Sammy, what's happening here then?" I asked looking over to see the comic he happily moved it closer letting me see his face lighting up excitedly

"Ah this is the new issue, the phantom halo is locked in this death struggle trying to save the" he explained but cut himself off "Sorry, it's stupid,"

"When did I say it was stupid?"

"You didn't but, you don't wanna hear about my comics," he says packing it away with a few others beside him, I smiled and gently rested my hand on his wrist making him freeze up

"You have a nasty habit of jumping to conclusions Sammy. If you wanna talk about it I wanna hear about it" I smiled giving his cheek a kiss which turned his whole face crimson

"You sure your okay listening to me ramble about comics?"

"If it makes you happy I'm very excited to learn more" I smiled leaning on his shoulder he excitedly got his comics and began explaining in very intense detail everything in the issue even going on tangents about characters and motivations, lore and info. I had to admit I wasn't a big comic fan especially compared to Samuel I didn't know half of what he was talking about but I was just happy listening to him be so excited and energetic and I did my best to ask questions and clarify things with the little info I did know to let him explained and go on even more tangents till At Last he finished up and gave my head a little kiss

"You don't have to listen to me if you don't want to"

"I like listening to you" I smiled before I heard a loud bang and shouting from within the house "What was that?" I asked sitting up

"That's my dad." He says nervously "he's drunk"

"What's he angry about today?"

"Becket. As per usual."

"When did he get back?"

"A few hours ago" he shrugs

"That, How long have you been out here?" I asked carefully stroking up his ice-cold arm

He nods "I was working on the car, he locked the doors"

"Come here" I cooed opening my arms he smiled and happily cuddled up to me I wasn't that warm but I was more than happy to share my warmth with him "You wanna go sit in the car? It'll keep us warmer?"

"Yeah let's go"

We got up and took our stuff around the side of the house and into the back garden where his dad's old car sat, he'd been fixing it up as long as I could remember but it did serve us well as we often slept in it on the nights we get locked out. We both climbed into the back into the nest we had built in the backseats with the well-repaired seats, cheap thrift store cushions, and multiple various blankets we had picked up mostly from discount racks around town making sure to shut the car up tight. I got out my snacks which we happily shared as we got wrapped up both cuddled together and with our many blankets and cushions having folded down the front seats as much as we could. I made sure we both wrapped up tight with a blanket around our shoulders two over our legs and cushions sat between our bodies and the doors building our nest for the night as usual as we both knew how cold it can get these nights.

"I take it things aren't great with your mum?"

"Could be better. Could be worse." I answered, "She's using again."

"I'm sorry y/n"

"It's fine. Nothing we can do about it."

"You wanna stay here tonight?"

"If I can?"

"You're always welcome you know that,"

"Yeah, don't really wanna go home," I said cuddling closer to him

"Okay, we'll keep each other safe, cosy, and warm" he smiled

"Thank you, Sammy"

"You're welcome, thank you too y/n for everything"

"You're always welcome Sammy" I smile giving his lips a soft kiss.

Samuel Emerson One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now