Save Me

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I sat on my little box after doing my performance counting up the coins and notes on the ground for me as I glanced up I saw a girl, the girl I often see here I used to think she just came into town a lot but...I'm not sure that is the case, I think she... Lives here, I looked down at my money then back to her wrapped up in a big hoodie and a fluffy coat her skin pale and her lips chapped, I see her so much here and she always smiles at me and often waves so I went over sitting on the other side of the bench she was at she looked at me and briefly smiled at me "Your very good" she smiles

"Thank you, you watch me a lot?" I ask her

"Something to do" she shrugs

"I see you a lot, do here?" I ask her

"What no" she laughs "I just...I like it here" she smiles

"You're sure?" I ask her and she nods so I moved a little closer to her "What's your name?" I ask her

"Y/n" she smiles "You?" she asked

"Samuel," I smile

"can I call you Sammy?" she laughs

"Well...if you want to" I shrug "when uhh... when did you last eat anything?" I ask her

"Oh. this morning" she smiles

"Y/n... don't lie to me," I tell her she didn't answer she just looked at the floor "Here" I smile giving her some of my money

"No I can't you have it," she says trying to give it back

"No, I gave it to you," I tell her "So on, go get like a burger or something," I tell her
"Thank you" she smiles sitting up and giving my cheek a tiny kiss
"Your welcome," I tell her and she smiles picking up her bag and going off towards the shops waving at me as she walked so I waved back
"Ready to go Sam?" Becket asks as he came around the corridor
"Yeah" I shrug getting my stuff and going off home with my brother...
so many days I saw y/n and almost every time I did I gave her some of the money I earnt even if she argued about it, just to get her some food I had over time brought her some blankets and things she argued about that too but I still made sure she kept them and she always had them next I saw her, I kinda loved hanging out with her after work she was so sweet once I had finished up my performance collecting up my money I noticed it began to rain so I ducked under a porch of a shop to stay out of the rain as it suddenly came down very heavily the rain fast and cold I my first thought was Y/n, where was she? was she going to be okay in all this? then I saw her tucked into a little stone corner of a shop cuddled up with all her blankets and jackets she looked frozen her skin even paler than normal she shivered as the corner supplied no cover from the rain a man came out of the shop and began talking to her I couldn't hear what she said something back but he just looked more angry picking up her bag and throwing it out into the heavier rain on the main street
"I've told you enough times get off my property!" He shouted she didn't answer so he picked her up by her arm and threw her out into the rain with her bag "I spot you here again I'm calling the Police!" he yelled she looked really hurt gathering the little things that had fallen out of her bag I can't watch this so I ran over helping her pick up her stuff for her most of it where books and things she looked like she was crying but it was hard to tell because of the rain
"Y/n, Look at me, I know you have nowhere to go, I know this is probably a stupid idea but please come with me, I can't bear leaving you out here on your own again," I tell her
"I'm okay" she stutters clearly crying
"No, you're not," I tell her taking her bag from her "Your coming with me, right now, and you are not going to argue about this," I tell her she nods cuddling my arm she was even colder then I was so I held her hand and began walking through the rain towards my house
"where are you taking me?" she asks sweetly
"Home, with me, I'm not sure where you're going to stay just yet but, I'm working on it" I explain
"If you don't know why did you make me come with you?" she asks
"Becuase I couldn't leave you there y/n," I tell her as we got to the gate "We both know you would have frozen to death out there tonight," I tell her
"I would have been okay" I smiles
"You always say that your not invincible Y/n," I tell her opening the door into my little house she smiled widely as I put her stuff on a towel on the sofa to dry it off "what?" I ask her
"This is amazing" she giggles looking around
"Y/n I know I live in a shit hole you don't have to be nice" I laugh
"but look at this you have windows and heating, and you have so many books, and you have your own bed!" she giggles running around very excited then I realized yeah this is horrible poor living to most people but to y/n this was a mansion
"Whoa y/n stop bouncing," I tell her making her stop "Now, you go have a shower get yourself cleaned up, and I'll figure out somewhere for you to stay," I tell her
"Okay" she smiles taking her bag and going into the bathroom so I stood a little confused... what am I going to do with her, well she can't stay in my room... for obvious reasons, or becket's or my dads, I can't make her sleep out in the car, I can't show her the house then kick her outside that would be awful, I guess she could stay in here so I tidied up best I could, I got more blankets and things for her clearing her lots of space as I heard the bathroom door open I turned to see her stood with her bag and a towel wrapped around her little body tightly her hair flat and clean her face...looked so different colour coming back to her skin her face free of dirt she looked so pretty "Hey" she smiles
"hey" I smile "so, this is your room now, right by the fire nice comfy sofa," I tell her and she giggled
"You're being so sweet to me" she smiles "But all my clothes are dirty" she blushed
"Ohh... right" I blush going to my room and getting a pair of my boxers and one of my shirts handing them to her "Here just till I get yours washed," I tell her
"Aww, thank you" she smiles I turned away getting the fire going as she got dressed as soon as got it going she sat beside me in my shirt and my underwear as Little shorts
"You look cute," I tell her
"I do?" she asks and I nod "I feel warm" she smiles snuggling close to my arm
"Good, didn't want you to be cold" I smile giving her head a little kiss
"Thank you" she smiles
"Your welcome, I couldn't leave you out there" I smile holding her close
"Won't your family be mad when they find me here?" she asks
"Becket won't mind, my dad might...but he's not here enough to worry about," I tell her
"How long can I stay?" she asks
"As long as you like" I answer
"I won't be long just a couple days," she says
"Ohh? and where are you going to go y/n?" I ask her "I know you hate admitting it y/n but you haven't got anywhere else to go I let you walk out that door you'll be back in street corners, and I can't let you live like that, you stay here at least till you get somewhere to go, with a roof and a front door okay" I tell her
"Okay" I blushed once we warmed the house up and becket got home we had a little dinner it wasn't much but she ate it like it was the best thing she had ever eaten and when it was time for bed my dad now long collapsed on his bed drunk, I tucked her in on the sofa "you promise your not going anywhere?" I ask her and she nods snuggling closely to the blankets holding her little teddy
"what do I do if I get cold?" she asks
"There are a couple more blankets on the end of the sofa," I tell her "Or... you could come and snuggle up with me if you wanted," I tell her and she giggled
"I'm okay out here" she laughs
"Alright, sleep tight, I'll see you in the morning," I tell her giving her head a little kiss and
"Nighty night" she smiles before I went off to bed...
When I woke up I stretched and could smell bacon "Umm neighbours cooking bacon again" I smirk it was nice to sit and just smell it for a while till I got up yawning a lot a couple of my bones clicking as I moved into the living room the smell seemed to be getting stronger and I noticed y/n wasn't on the sofa her stuff was here but she wasn't
"Good morning" I heard a familiar voice smile I turned to the kitchen and saw y/n stood cooking...she was making bacon
"Morning" I laugh
"Here for you" she smiles handing me a plate with a couple bits of bacon and a fried egg she kept cooking making a couple more plates I assume for my dad and becket
"Where did you get this?" I ask her sitting at the table
"Get what?" she asks
"The bacon? the eggs? fat to cook with?" I ask her she just didn't answer "Y/n..." I warn
"I bought them" she shrugs
"from where? with what?" I ask her
"From the shop, with the money you gave me" she smiles
"I didn't... Y/n!" I yell a bit annoyed at her she must have bee saving all the money I had been giving her "you were meant to go buy food for you when I gave you that" I tell her
"I did, but I'm used to little amounts of food so I got small cheap things mostly food from dollar stores, and I saved up, I noticed you didn't have much food so I went to the store and got some food it's not much but it's cheap" she smiles
"Y/n you didn't have to do that, I gave you that money to spend on you, not to save up to spend on me," I tell her
"but it's your money," she says sitting with me with her own little place with a lot less when she gave me I took a couple bits of bacon off my plate and put them on hers so it was equal
"Eat, all of it," I tell her
"I will" she smiles
"Neighbours must have cooked a whole tuck of bacon" becket began coming out of his room "Ohh...we have bacon!" He says very excitedly grabbing his plate and sitting with us "where did we get this from?" He asked
"Y/n got it" I smile holding her hand as I had some bacon
"Having a girl around has its perks I see" he smirked once we were all done with breakfast even my dad having some before he went off to god only knows where and I saw y/n cleaning everything up
"Y/n what are you doing?" I ask her
"Cleaning" she smiles "Sammy, your letting me live here rent free, letting me use your heating and water and all that, I am cleaning for you, and cooking when I can" she smiles
"but y/n-" I began
"we are not arguing about this" she giggles
"Alright, I'll be out with my car if you need me," I tell her
"Okay," she smiles...
Y/n has been living with us for quite a while now it was great having her here she cooks and cleans up best she can, hardly notice she is here half the time I stood fixing my car I saw her sat outside with a little bucket and some soup
"Y/n? what are you doing?" I ask her
"The washing machines leaking water, so I'm doing the laundry by hand" she smiles
"Come here" I sigh going and sitting with her to help her "You're not doing this on your own," I tell her
"why? I like doing it" she shrugs
"That doesn't mean you're doing it on your own," I tell her "Y/n... do you mind me asking... how did you end up on the street in the first place?" I ask her
"It's a long story" she shrugs
"There's lots of laundry to do" I laugh
"well when my mother died my father relied on me for drink money and betting money, I did my best in a little job I had but it wasn't enough so I had to start selling myself on street corners for extra money when my father found out what I was doing he gave me a choice, leave and live on my own or let him and his friends use me for there own ends, I stayed for a little while but I couldn't take it, I lived on the streets for a little while till someone found me, he took me to his casino I worked as a waitress and a blackjack girl, but one night a man came in he was winning like crazy the boss was worried about losing too much money to him so instead of a money they put me up as a prize he didn't win me but they found that was better putting me up as a huge poker prize" she explained "when the casino was found out they shut the place down and I had no money, no job, no home, I didnt have a choice so I lived on the streets" she explained "then you found me" she giggled nuzzling her head into my neck
"surprised you alright after all that," I tell her
"it's the past" she shrugs "My past doesn't define me" she smiles
"You are amazing," I tell her giving her a little kiss and she smiles wider once we had done the laundry she came and sat in the car with me reading my comic books with me I turned the page struggling a little holding the flashlight and having my arm around her as she cuddled closer but she just turned it back a minute then turned it back how I had before "You read slower then I do" I laugh
"Shhh..." she says I looked at her and she was reading intently focused
"Humm, you like this one?" I ask her and she nods
"who's that?" she asks
"Phantom Halo" I laugh "You're not really reading are you?" I ask her
"I like the pictures more than the story" she smiles "But that guy looks the same just in a suit," she says
"Yeah that's is the civilian persona, Alexander Lucas what he hides as when he's not the halo" I explain "its just a suit and glasses but it works apparently"I shrug
"Who's that?" she asks
"You going to ask me that for every character?" I ask her and she just sits quietly blushing a little "that's Missy Moore, Alex likes her, and when he's the phantom he always has to save her" I explain
"I like Missy" she smiles
"Aww Yeah I do too" I laugh "she kinda looks like you, don't you think?" I ask her turning to a page with a big picture of missy
"No, she's far to pretty" she blushes
"Your that pretty, you're actually much prettier," I tell her
"Liar" she giggles "does Missy like Alex?" she asked
"Not really, she likes the phantom though," I tell her
"Aww, cute, like us" she giggles
"what?" I ask her
"I needed saving and you saved me" she smiled
"well, of course, I did, because I like you," I tell her
"Good" she giggles grabbing my shirt and kissing me I instantly melted into her kisses and I kissed her back putting my comic book down and putting my hands on her waist as we kissed
"Samual? stop snogging your girlfriend!" Becket laughs
"Bugger off," I tell him very annoyed me made us stop kissing
"But it's dinner time" He complains
"Alright, preheat the oven and I'll be in soon" she smiles making him go inside
"we better go in the" I sigh
"he can wait five minutes" she smirked pulling me back closer and kissing me so I smiled kissing her back pulling her closer to me as we kissed "Umm I love you" she giggles
"I love you too" I smirk and she giggled moving her hands away from me as we kissed till I glanced down to her and noticed she was taking her shirt off revealing her bra "Whoa!" I say making her stop "what are you doing?" I ask her
"Taking my shirt off" she smiles
"why?" I ask her
"well we kissed a bit so I assumed you wanted to-" she began
"Y/n, I love you, you don't have to strip off when we kiss, we can just kiss" I laugh
"Ohh... normally when I'm kissing someone within a couple seconds they want to see my boobs" she explains
"well, of course, I... kinda want to see your boobs but, Maybe later," I tell her
"Alright, come on dinner time" she giggles...
I yawned reading my comic book as I laid in bed until I heard a little knock on my door so I sat up a little
"Hello y/n whats the matter?" I ask her
"I was chilly" she giggles holding her jumper paws
"Come on" I smirk putting my comic away and she happily comes to bed with me snuggling close to me
"I missed you" she giggles
"I missed you too, come on then let's get some rest, we got work tomorrow," I tell her giving her a little kiss
"Fine" she giggles "I love you" she giggles
"I love you too honey" I smile stroking her hair
"Nighty night" she giggles
"Goodnight" I laugh

Samuel Emerson One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now