I like it when you call me Champion.

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Jasmin pushes me against the wall and I stare into her eyes. She starts to lean in and I feel her lips on mine.

I put my arm around her neck and I kiss her deeply. I feel a shock of excitement run through my body. Someone walks in and I see Melissa.

I pull away from Jasmin and look at her scared. I see Jenna, and Mason behind her. Me and Jasmin just stand there waiting scared of their reaction.

All of a sudden Jenna and Mason look at Melissa . "HA! You owe us both 20 bucks!" Mason says.

"We fucking knew it." Jenna says. "FUCK." Melissa says.  Me and Jasmin look at them confused. "Wait you were betting on us?" I say.

" hell yeah." Jenna says. " you 2 have been lusting for each other for so long." She says.

" Oh my god " Jasmin says. "Please." We all start walking up the stairs. " I can't believe I have to give you fucking $20 because of 2 horny teenagers." Melissa says.

"EW STOP." I say. "You guys are so weird." Jasmin says.

" Cut!" The director says. " aren't I an amazing actor?" I say to Jasmin. " definitely im starting to fall in love.." Jasmjn says.

I walk off set to Jack. "Hey!" I say.
"Hey, you did amazing." He leans in and whispers in my ear " I even felt a little jealous." "I know right I would be Jasmin is such a good kisser." I say laughing "Oh Shut up"  he says.

"So um, I wanted to ask you. Why did you get so upset about being called Ella." Jack asks. I was caught off guard so I just look at him. "Oh um." I say but he cuts me off. " you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I was just wondering." I walk over to him and hug him. I whisper in his ear. "No, it's okay. I want to tell you." " Are you sure?" He asks. We let go.

"Yes." I say. "When I was younger, everyone used to call me Ella. Except for my dad. He was the only person who would always call me Elle. When I was 13 he passed away.." I feel a tear fall down my face. Jack takes his hand and wipes it off my cheek.

"I feel like if people call me Ella, I'm forgetting about my dad. I like being called Elle because it feels like I always have a piece of him with me..."

Jack pulls me into a hug and I start crying in his arms once again. " I'm sorry. I'm always crying." I say.

"No. It's okay. I like comforting you. And I'm really sorry about your dad. No one should have to go through that." He says.

" Thank you." I say.

Jack and I stand there, wrapped in each other's arms, amidst the chaos of the film set. His comforting presence and understanding demeanor make me feel a sense of ease that I hadn't anticipated. As I slowly regain my composure, I realize how genuine and sincere he is.

"It means a lot that you listened and understood," I murmur, my voice still tinged with emotion.

"Of course, Elle," he replies softly, his hand gently stroking my back. "I will always be there for you in any way you need to be."

I look up at him, our eyes locking in a moment of shared understanding. It's as if an unspoken connection has formed between us, a bond that goes beyond the characters we portray in the movie. In that instant, I realize that the attraction between us isn't just about on-screen chemistry – there's something deeper, something real.

As we stand there, lost in each other's gaze, the director's voice breaks the spell. "Alright, everyone, back to positions. Let's nail this scene!"

Jack and I reluctantly pull away from each other, our private moment fading into the demands of the film. We exchange a knowing smile before making our way back to our designated spots on set.

The scene resumes, and our characters' tension-filled interaction plays out once again. But this time, there's an added layer of authenticity, a newfound depth that stems from our off-screen connection.

As the scene wraps up, the director calls "cut," and the crew members applaud our performance. The atmosphere on set is a mix of satisfaction and excitement as we inch closer to completing "Scream 7."

Later that day, as Jack and I share a break between takes, he looks at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You know, Elle, I think we're single-handedly keeping the gossip columns busy."

I chuckle, rolling my eyes playfully. "Oh, please. As if we don't have enough to deal with already."

"True," he concedes. "But I have to admit, it's been quite entertaining watching people speculate about us."

I shake my head, laughing. "Well, let them speculate. We know the truth."

He raises an eyebrow, a playful grin forming on his lips. "Do we now?"

I give him a mock stern look. "Don't get too cocky, Champion." I see his face turn bright red. " I like it when you call me Champion." He smirks. I feel a blush creep onto my face.


As the set lights dimmed and the crew members dispersed, I found myself alone with Jack, rehearsing a particularly intense scene for "Scream 7." The chemistry between our characters, Ethan and Mia, was sizzling, and it seemed to be bleeding into our interactions off-screen.

I leaned casually against a prop wall, my gaze fixed on Jack. "You know," I began, a playful glint in my eyes, "if our characters were any closer, they'd practically be making out."

Jack's deep laughter echoed through the empty set. "And here I thought we were saving the steamy moments for the actual scenes."

I arched an eyebrow, my lips curving into a suggestive smile. "Who says we can't practice?"

A mischievous grin danced on his lips. "True, true. Wouldn't want to disappoint the audience."

Our banter continued, each teasing comment pulling us further into a flirty exchange. With every word, I felt a magnetic pull between us, blurring the lines between our roles and our personal connection.

Closing the distance between us, I took a step closer, my voice lowering to a sultry tone. "You know, Jack, I've heard rumors that on-screen chemistry can sometimes spill off-screen."

He met my gaze with an intrigued expression, his eyes locking onto mine. "Oh? Is that so?"

I leaned in, our faces mere inches apart, and my heart raced at the intensity of the moment. "I guess we'll just have to test that theory."

The air crackled with tension, and for a fleeting moment, it felt like time had frozen. I could sense the electricity between us, the undeniable attraction that had taken root. With a playful smile, I pulled away, leaving Jack slightly breathless and undoubtedly intrigued.

"See you on set, Champion," I purred, offering him a wink before sauntering away.

As I walked, my heart pounded in my chest. I couldn't help but revel in the new layer of excitement that had entered our interactions. Little did I know that our on-screen chemistry was about to get even more thrilling, both for the audience and for us behind the scenes.

Wow this is like the longest chapter I've ever written.

Anyways I hope u guys enjoy!!!!


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