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"Cut!" called the director, and I took the opportunity to walk over to Jack, my brow furrowed with concern. "Hey, you've seemed distant all day. Is everything alright?"

Jack's gaze met mine, his expression a mixture of resolve and apprehension. "Actually, Elle, there's something I've been thinking about."

I waited, my heart beginning to race. "What is it?"

He took a deep breath, as if gathering his thoughts. "I've decided to take on some extra work."

I blinked, taken aback by his unexpected revelation. "Extra work? What do you mean?"

Jack's eyes held mine, his determination unwavering. "I want to help you out financially. You know, ease some of the burden."

Confusion clouded my thoughts as I tried to process his words. "Wait, but I didn't ask you to do that. Why would you?"

He shrugged, his gaze unwavering. "Because I care about you, Elle. I want to make things a little easier for you."

The frustration within me simmered to the surface. "So, what? You think I can't handle my own finances? You think I need you to swoop in and rescue me?"

Jack's expression tightened, his voice tinged with frustration. "No, that's not what I meant. I just thought it could be helpful."

"Helpful? Or patronizing?" My retort was sharp, my emotions clearly getting the best of me. "So now I'm just the damsel in distress, and you're the knight in shining armor?"

He took a step closer, his voice edged with hurt. "Elle, that's not fair. I was only trying to do something kind."

Bitterness laced my tone as I spoke. "Well, congratulations, Jack. You've succeeded in making me feel like I can't take care of myself."

Jack's frustration was evident, his voice louder now. "You're twisting my words. I was just trying to be supportive."

I scoffed, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "But you always do this!"

His jaw clenched, his voice rising. "What are you talking about?"

My anger boiled over, my voice shaking with emotion. "The other day at the restaurant, you didnt even let me look at the menu. You just oredered for me! Its like you think i can't do anything."

Jack's tone grew louder, his own anger surfacing. "You're turning this into something it's not. I care about you."

Tears welled up, my voice quivering with a mixture of anger and hurt. "You care about me by making me feel like a charity case?"

He reached out, his voice softer now. "Elle, please. I thought we were a team."

My voice trembled as I fought back the tears. "Is that what you think? That I'm just along for the ride while you play the hero?"

His frustration gave way to a pained expression. "That's not how I see it."

Tears streaked down my cheeks, my voice heavy with resignation. "Well, that's how it feels."

"I can't believe you're making such a big deal out of this," Jack said with frustration, his voice tinged with exasperation.

I stared at him in disbelief, hurt and anger mixing within me. "You don't understand, Jack. This is about more than just a decision. It's about respect and communication."

He scoffed, his tone dismissive. "Respect? Communication? It's a simple favor. I thought you'd be grateful."

My fists clenched at my sides, my patience wearing thin. "Grateful? Jack, this isn't about gratitude. It's about you assuming you can make choices for me without even asking."

He crossed his arms, his jaw set in defiance. "I thought I was helping, Elle. You're acting like I did something terrible."

The frustration I felt boiled over, and I took a step closer to him. "You did, Jack. You disrespected my ability to make decisions for myself."

He rolled his eyes, his irritation evident. "Oh come on, don't be so dramatic. It's not that serious."

Tears welled up in my eyes, a mix of sadness and anger washing over me. "Not that serious? You don't get to decide what's serious for me, Jack. You don't get to belittle my feelings."

His expression hardened, his voice cold. "I am literally offering you money! I'm the reason you even have this job!"

His words hit me like a punch to the gut, and I staggered back as if physically wounded. The realization that he could dismiss my acting, without even trying to understand my perspective, left me feeling hollo.

I look at him, tears in my eyes. "If I'm just a charity case... then m a maybe we shouldn't be together." I retorted, my voice shaky but resolute.

He gave me a bitter smile, his tone biting. "Yeah, good luck finding someone who puts up with your drama." He says with tears pooling in his eyes.

The tears that had threatened to spill finally broke free, and I turned away from him, unable to bear the weight of his callousness any longer. I walked away, my heart shattered into a million pieces.

I ran. I ran as fast as I could when all the sudden I bumped into Sabrina? I tried to put on a smile but she saw right through me.
"Sabrina? What are you doing here?" I ask, my voice shakey trying to hold in the tears.
"Uh i- I wanted to surprise you- what happend? Elle what's wrong?" As soon as she said that I couldn't hold it any long.

Tears flew down my face and i balling in her arms.

I was tearing up while making this 😭 help. I'm sorry ☹️

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