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Stampy and Sqaishey

Slight TW, ED habits and depression later on!

"Sqaish, come on!" Joe, better known as Stampy, begged his best friend, Kye, or also known as Sqaishey. 

"No way! I am not doing map with you and Squid!"

"Sqaish, please!"


"Meaniee." Stampy joked and sighed, "But, fine. I'll talk to you in.. uh a little bit?"


When Stampy left the call, the Genderfluid person got up and walked outside and sighed.

They closed their eyes and sang quietly, "I'll keep wishing it's me in that ending scene. Where they're meeting up halfway, and they're kissing in the rain! It's a little bit cliché, but I love it anyway.. 'Cause it's better than when you're walking home, and the rain starts pouring... but you're all alone!!"

That gave Kye an idea, however. "That.. sounded like lyrics!"

they got up and ran inside, thinking of lyrics. Hours passed, the next thing that knew they were getting blown up on their phone by Stampy.

They went onto discord and called him. 

"Sqaishey! There you are!"

"Hii! Sorry I got very sidetracked with uh.. something. What's up?"

"We need to record a few more episodes for uh.. whatever den this is!"

"It's the final few for Cave Den, is it not?"

"I think so!"

Kye nodded and logged on to their account on Xbox. 

Joe did the typical warm ups and syncing up of mics.

"3... 2... 1!"The two clapped

Kye laughed, "That's never gonna get old."

"No kidding!" Joe smiled, "Uh, ready?"

"Y-Yep!" Kye's smiled faded, but tried to sound happy.

'Okay, I'm starting in 3.. 2.. 1! HELLO THIS IS STAMPY!"

After they finish recording.

"Bye, Miracle Duck!"

Kye felt their face go red, "B-Bye Stamps!"

They hung up and leaned their head back, tearing up. 

I can't.. how can I.. tell... him how I feel? They thought, feeling a tear go down their face. It was getting late, but that didn't stop Sqaishey from going on a walk in town. 

They did so. It was a quiet evening in the park. Their thoughts were going wild and soon tears formed. They blinked them back

Kye? Joe thought as he walked around, noticing them. Are they okay?

"Kye..?" Joe asked quietly, walking over.

Kye looked over, teary-eyed, "Joseph?"

"What's wrong?"


"Kye! Just tell me!"

"Nothing's wrong, Joe!"

"Tell me!"

"You wanna know!? Fine! It's you!"

There was a gentle rain falling, Kye realized what they said, and teared up more

"M-Me? What did I do?"


"What? Sqaishey, what haven't you told me?!"


Cause I wanna be lovers... Kye thought as they looked at the male looking at them.

"So... you don't wanna be friends and you hate me. Got it."

"What no Sta-" 

"Save it, Kye!" Stampy started leaving

"Joe!!" They called out, but, he ignored them. 

They sadly walked home, "I not only lost my chance.. but I also lost my best friend."

The next few days were bad for Kye.

They rarely ate, and got into some bad habits that they worked with Stampy to get out of.

Stampy, however, acted like nothing happened. 

Squid, along with Ashdubh however, read through Stampy and forced to tell everything;.

"Did Sqaish specifically say they hated you?"

"They said, "I hate how we're friends." and said me existing is a problem."

"STAMPY, YOU IDIOT!" Ash exclaimed, "They don't hate you! I think they love you! As in.. has a crush on you!"

"I agree. Did they try and stop you?"


"Then Kye likes you." Squid stated. Joe's eyes widened

"Oh no... I messed up horribly with Sqaish, didn't I?"

"Hate to admit it, but I think so."

"This is bad."

With Kye 

They told Stacy, their other best friend, everything, who comforted them. 

"Kye.. it's okay."

"No it's not, Stacy! This is the 3rd time my heart got broken!! So... I guess love is only in fiction."


Kye stayed silent for a moment, before saying. "I get let down both the bad boys and the nice guys! Stampy is the nicest person ever but I still got let down by him, and it's all my fault!"

"You know that's not true, Sqaish."

"But it is, Stacy!" 

"No it isn't.."

"Yes it is, Stace.." Kye sighed, their breath was shaking, "I-I gotta go.. I can't do this anymore."

"Wait what!?"

"You heard me, Stacy.. I..I can't act like it isn't affecting me..."

"But you have too..."

"But I can't, Stacy.."

"Yes, you can."

"No, I can't."

"I know you can, Kye."


It went quiet on the other line.


"No. Talk to me when you have yourself together, Kye."

That was the last thing Kye heard before they hung up and sobbed. "I'm losing everyone.."

The days went by slower and slower for Kye. Not having anyone to talk to that they could trust hurt them. The habits got worse.

They suddenly got an idea, however. They went for a walk, during a sprinkle, soon turning to light rain. 

They went back to the park, where they got into an argument with Joe. For the first time ever, they noticed a stage, it had a roof over it. They were planning to play their guitar, but this gave them a great idea. They went over to the stage and got on it. There was a mic and a sound system behind them.

Kye set it up and took a deep breath, before speaking

"U-Uh.. h-hi! I'm Kye! I'm a musician and I wrote this song! It's about loving only fictional people because, in reality, people suck." They made a joke and chuckled. "It's called Fictional!"

During the song, Joe walked by. As soon as he heard Kye's voice, it was obvious who it was about. Oh, my god.. I messed up horribly with them. He thought as he walked to the front row.

"Oh, I hid his number, I almost called! Like, "maybe he's hurting after all..." I can't afford to be that naïve! I'll keep wishing it's me in that ending scene! Where they're meeting up halfway, and they're kissing in the rain! It's a little bit cliché, but I love it anyway.. 'Cause it's better than when you're walking home, and the rain starts pouring... but you're all alone!!" Kye sang, their voice filled with some sadness, but mostly was happy. 

They took a quick breath before continuing, "I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen! The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be! I spend all of my time imagining, what it would be like if they existed! My parents tell me "I should look for one in real life"! But I get let down both the bad boys and the nice guys! I'm tired of giving more than I receive, so I'll just stick to the boys who don't know me..."

Joe felt an instant wave of guilt. 

"Kye.. I'm so sorry..." He muttered, hoping they didn't hear.

Kye noticed him, but stopped themselves from doing anything dumb. 

They soon finished and got off, walking away.

"Kye!" Joe called out walking after them. 

Kye didn't answer.

"Kye!" He called out again, "Wait!"

Kye turned around, showing their clearly teary eyes, "What?"

"I...I'm sorry, about a few days ago.."

Kye stood there, letting the tears start to fall, "Joe.. I..I've been so in my head ever since you left... I...I got back into my old habits again.."

"Kye... surely y...you don't mean.."

"My ED? That came back..."


"B...Because of you! You leaving me made me feel horrible!! I stopped eating, I lost Stacy, I haven't been sleeping properly... I lost everyone.. including me.." Kye admitted, now on the ground crying

Joe kneeled down to them, hugging them, "Kye... you didn't lose me.."

"I did though..."

"Cause I was such an idiot before I realized the truth... I love you, Sqaishey." 

Kye felt their cheeks burn red, "Stop. You don't mean it.."

"Yes I do... Kye Bates, I love you to the moon and back."

Kye looked at their best friend, "Stamps..."


"I..I love you too. So. So much."

The rain finally was letting up, so the two kissed. 

"You have no idea about how long I was looking forward to this. I've been looking forward to this for so so long!" Kye admitted some more

"So have I, Miracle Ducky, so I have I.."

Kye wiped their tears away and smiled, which was genuine for the first time in a while.

"Come on, let's go back to your place, Ducky..."

"Alright KittyCake.." 


Uhhhhhhh wtbwpfbokh 3w54rle;fvmn zertr]ferkymtqjgw4p rjhobt

This was so dark- I am so sorry and I promise others will not be like this!!!!!

Anyway any requests? The first chapter for that reason!


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