Platonic Soulmates

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Stampy Stacy, and Sqaishey(friendship)

I stared forward, looking at Joe. I love him. I love Kye. I love all of this


"Is it wheat?" Stampy started, but my screaming overtook his words

"AAHHHH!" I yelled

"You okay!?" He asked, genuine concern in his voice.

"MMMM" I tried to laugh a bit, but couldn't

"You alright!?" He asked, the concern in his voice still present. 

"I will be! I have one heart!"  

"Was it a creeper?"

"It was a creeper.. and it- it sent me flying."

Present Day

I stared into the nothingness.

"Stacy?" Someone waved their hand in front of me.

I turned to them, It was Iballisticsquid, "Yeah?"

"You speak next.." I looked at him, then realized where I was. I was at Stampy's wedding. And Sqaishey's. I watching my two best friends get married.

I didn't think of what I was gonna say beforehand. Well, I did but it just didn't turn out quite right.

"Here goes..." I walked forward, the crowd looking at me.

"Kye Bates and Joe Garrett, two of the sweetest souls married into one. The friendship that we have had, and continue to have, is unlike any other thing in the world! I've known them for only a few years, but, I can say that they are my best friends, and platonic soulmates." I turned to Kye,

"My favorite duck. One half of Cake Quest, my favorite person to be in the happy fountain with. I can't imagine doing Cake Quest with anyone else..." 

"HEY!" Joe yelled. "What about me!?"

"Other than Joe." I answered with a laugh, "Speaking of Joe, my favorite castmate, my favorite person to debate if cake or pumpkin pie is better, which it's obviously pumpkin pie!" I said with a large smile

"It's CAKE!" Joe laughed

"Not again!" Kye groaned. They heard this debate before, many, many times. 

"Is not!" I chuckled, my smile growing larger. "Continuing... I wanna thank you for caring so so much when I screamed that day when I nearly died due to a creeper, we didn't plan that, nor did we plan to have this much fun being your friend. Same with you, Kye. You two mean so much to me, and I'm so happy to see two lovely souls get married into one."

Kye hugged me, tearing up, "Stacy.."

I look at them before joking, "Let me finish!

Kye nodded, starting to cry a little. 

"The souls that are getting married, are... are my favorite duo ever."

Squid sent me a death glare, I mentally was laughing, and the smile probably showed that. 

Joe was smiling, staring directly at Kye, with the same loving eyes, I've seen every time I was the two.

"These two are the funniest, kindest, and chaotic when together, and I'm so happy to see them finally tie the knot, and finally be one happy family."

"I love you Kye, Joe.."

"Thank you for being my platonic soulmates."

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