Evil Stampy (1/2)

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"You won't get away with this, Target!" I exclaimed, growling.

"Oh but I already have, you dumb cat. Your slaves don't know the difference. It's almost the same difference." 

"That's not a good use of the name." 

"To me it is..." He stated with his evil grin. 

"What did I do to you for you to make me hate you, Hit the Target!?"

"You and your wolves killed me. That's what you did."


"SO!? You killed me, you dumb cat!"


I noticed a bow pointed at me.

"I don't recommend you talk to him like that, Kitty." I slowly turned towards Veeva and scowled.

"Why not?"

"Cause.. I could kill you here and now."

"Not true."

"It is too. It's poisoned tipped arrows." I glared, looking for anything I could do to get free and stop that evil clone of me. Nothing anywhere. 

Fizzy's POV

"is it just me, or has Stamps been acting weird?" Polly asked, walking closer to William and I.

"He's always weird.." William pointed out.

"Okay.. weirder than normal?"

"He has, but he's excited about this game.." I stated.

"Yeah, and controlling us." Polly said. "He typically doesn't like doing it, or, like doing it that much."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying, Polly?" William asked

"If it has to deal with clones and stuff, yeah. I'm saying what you're thinking." Polly said with a slight nod

I didn't understand what they were talking about. 

"Fizzy... I think this is a fake Stampy. An evil one." William stated quietly

My jaw dropped open, "WHAT!?"

"Stampy" looked over at us a bit confused. I smiled nervously.

"This isn't the real Stamps?!" I whispered yelled, "Where could he be!?"

"Somewhere in the world." William answered.

"Castle." Polly stated, "his castle..." 

I sighed, as William sharply inhaled. 

"That's not... good." I muttered, 

"No kidding." William said, "We need to get over there, quickly. They could be doing anything to Stampy!"

Polly and I nodded, before running close to the castle, holding our weapons of choice. 

I was falling a bit behind. 

"Going somewhere, Fizzy?" "Stampy" asked getting in front of me, making me stop, "It's awfully soon for you to quit on me."

"Quit on you?" I laughed, hard. 

He clearly didn't like this, and punched me in the face, well... tried to. I tried to run so I could get past him, but I tripped and fell. But that gave me a moment to get ready to fight.

"FIZZY!" William turned around and ran to my side, helping me up, holding his sword in his dominate hand. 

"Willy! Fizzy attacked me first!"

"Explain to me then why was I on the floor!" I argued

"Never call me Willy!" William said with a lot of anger and venom. 

I was terrified. I've never seen William this angry. 

"We don't have time to deal with him! We need to find Stampy!" I whispered to William, getting up.

William nodded and turned away, running towards Target's castle. I followed quickly, getting ready to use my crossbow in case the fake attacks again.

Polly was waiting for us, "Should we do this? Cause... it's three of us vs two very powerful people."

"Well 3 including the fake Stampy." I stated, 

"We could always go find Sqaishey, Squid, and maybe Stacy?" William offered

I nodded, "We should do that.."

There was a pause, as we all thought what to do.

"I'll go find Sqaish, Polly you can get Squid, and William can you find Stacy?" I asked, William and Polly nodded,

"Meet in the bedroom once, or if  you recruit them!" Polly stated, as we split off.

I ran for a long time. I kept running. It felt likes days, when I finally saw new building, and a giant sign that said "feather fun"

I ran around, looking for Sqaishey. "Sqaishey! Sqaishey! Where are you!?"

"Fizzy?" Someone asked from behind me. I jumped, but then calmed down once I realized who it was.

"Sqaishey! I need your help. Stampy... he's been taken by Target and Veeva. And had a fake Stampy telling us what to do.."

Sqaishey's looked at me, scared, "And you need my help?! Why me!? Why not Squid or Stacy or someone who is a lot braver!?"

"Polly, William, and I agreed we need your help because you're the only one who can possibly calm him down once we rescue him! He could be very shaken up about this full ordeal. I know he could seem fine, but, being taken from his friends and having an evil clone? It's terrifying. Polly told us all about it after she got rescued.."

Sqaishey still looked hesitant, I felt the same deep down.

"I'm scared too, don't worry. But we need to do this. For Stampy, and the sake of his world."

There was a silence, I waited for anything from them.

They took a shaky breath, but stayed quiet

"I'm in. Anything to protect Stampy." They finally said, "Stampy needs us. I'm his best friend, and I can't leave him, especially when he got taken by his sworn enemies."

Polly's POV

"Nope! I'm not doing it." Squid disagreed to the begs

"Please?" I asked. "We need you. You're the most brave one other than William."


"Squid, please!" I stated, "We only have William, Fizzy, and I!"

"I..I don't know. Stampy and I haven't talked in a while.." He sighed

"Is that the reason?"  

"Maybe...? What if he doesn't want to be my frie-"

"He said "Oh no, Squids house!" when your house blew up... I think it's quite obvious that he still cares, Squid." I stated

Squid looked at me, "What do you mean my house blew up!?

"Long story short, Hit the Target!" I said, sheepishly laughing

"I'm in. He destroyed my property! I can sue for that, you know!"

"We have a courthouse for that reason!" I said, "If you do decide to do that!"

Squid nodded, "Now, let's go save Stamps!"

William's POV

I looked at the wolves who were running towards me.

"Woah! Everyone sit!" A girl called out, who the wolves seemed to listen to. "Sorry, not everyday we have beavers as guests."

"Not everyday I talk to a girl who doesn't try and kill me or my friends." I laughed, making a joke.

The girl looked at me concerned.

My eyes widened, "Oh, yeah- you- you never met Veeva Dash! I'm William."

"Stacy..." She said suspiciously.

"I assume your friends with Stampy?" I asked, trying to get to the point. 


"Well... uh.... how do I put this gently..."

"Stacy! Stampy got taken!" I turned to Sqaishey, running over.

"I got Sqaishey recruited! I have no idea on the progress with Polly and Squid!" Fizzy exclaimed

"Well, I'll bring my wolves."

"Are you crazy!? Do you know what he could do to them!?" Sqaishey said, panicking at what Stacy said

"No... but do you know my wolves are magic?"

"Toché!" Sqaishey nodded, "Let's go!"

"Everest, Basil, Noah, Wink, Addi, Tuck, come on!" Stacy called out to the 6 wolves, who all got up and started running after her

Fizzy and I headed back to Stampy's lovely World. 

When we got to the bedroom, we saw Squid with Polly.

"Great! Everyone is in! But now, we need a game plan to save Stamps!" Polly said, seeing as we all got back.

"Sqaish and I can distract the Fake Stampy." Fizzy stated

"Stacy and Polly, you two could sneak in and try to rescue Stampy?" Squid said, pointing to the two. 

Stacy nodded, "That leaves Squid and William to fight the enemies."

"And what if they notice, and hurt Stacy and Polly trying save Stampy?"

The six wolves walked over to Squid and growled, scaring him a bit.

"They'll handle it." Stacy said with a nervous laugh, "Guys, he's not gonna hurt us, stand down."

The wolves stepped back closer to Stacy

"Here, take these." Sqaishey handed us something, "Communicators, in case something happens that everyone needs to know... Like if the fake Stampy caught on, or if we saved Stampy, or anything like that!!" 

Squid said smiled, "Sweet! Thanks Sqaish!"

"Yeah, thanks!" Stacy smiled

Everyone nodded

"So is Plan: Save Stampy in effect?" I asked,

I got either a nod or "yes" from everyone. 

"Let's sleep, then get going!" Polly exclaimed as we went to the balcony.

Stacy's POV

"Sqaish, Stacy, Squid, you know where the rooms are?" Fizzy asked.

"I can show them." Sqaishey said as we watched Polly and William jump off the balcony. 

"Alright, see you all tomorrow!"


That's it for part 1!! 

Thanks for the idea Stampy- YOU CAUSED THIS FULL ONE SHOT TO HAPPEN-

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