Chapter 97: A Troubling Time

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------Author's Note------

Hey guys! I found some pictures of what I imagine Glitter to look like :)

Koto's POV

I try to keep up with Glitter for the few weeks that I work at Nyikang's agency, but I'm also nervous to get too close. She seemed really cool, but totally reprimanded me on that first day. I suppose it gave me a reality check.

This wasn't just some little internship like before where I learned little lessons about my quirk and overall combat with Nyikang. This was real hero work. I have to be constantly considering every possibility and everything around me. Some part of me thought this would be fun instead of the hard work it's been proving to be.

I guess I needed the wakeup call.

Glitter Bomb still seems friendly around the office and on patrol, but it's clear that she becomes all business when we start a mission. Her focus is honed like a freshly-sharpened blade. I have to concentrate to match her demeanor.

As we go throughout our day, she tasks me with making constant observations, surely as a product of my mistake that first day. But I'm grateful for the chance to grow. Had we left when I started questioning her reasoning, those people would still be out there to sell those weapons and make the community more dangerous.

The team managed to track down the truck with a container full of weapons and ammo within a few hours. We called in a report with all the agencies in port cities to catch the barge off the coast of Nagoya later in the week. The criminal with the shadow-hopping quirk still hasn't been found, but the team seems to think she's lying low for a while. They assure me that she'll be caught.

After our patrol and quick dinner on a Saturday night, I head back to the lodging wing of the agency, ready to take a shower. Glitter walks down the hall with an intern pushing a mail cart.

"Hey Maestro," she calls out to me, chipper as she always is within the agency. "There's a package for you. We left it on your bed."

"Alright," I say, pushing a stray curl behind my ear. "Thank you."

She pats me on the shoulder as we pass by each other. "No worries, have a good night!"

"Thanks, you too."

I roll open my door and shuck off my heavy coat, hanging it in the dry-cleaning chamber of the closet. Being a work study intern has its benefits. I grab a towel, marking the wrapped package on my covers.

After my long shower, I return, twirling my hair into separate curls with product as I sit on my bed. The package is wrapped with a string of twine, knotted into a bow at the top.

I unwrap it and fall back off the bed as a spring loaded cage reaches out to capture me. I'm about to illuse for help when a familiar voice speaks to me.

"Hey there, kiddo," my uncle's voice says. A screen displaying his smiling face pops up from the package that is enclosed with me. The cage is roughly a two meter cube that holds me in place. "Sorry for all the dramatics, but there's an important announcement and we don't want somebody overhearing."

"This is a simple Faraday's cage," another voice explains, and Principal Nezu pops up on my uncle's shoulder. "The electrical current scrambles any signals that try to enter, so nobody should be able to tap into this recording and listen in. Please put on the headphones."

I notice a pair of old school earphones on the floor of the cage, connected by a thin black cord. I snatch them up and put them on as Mic begins talking again.

"Again, sorry for probably giving you a scare, but what we've got is important!"

"We have it on good authority that there are corrupt heroes in most agencies with the League of Villains expanding their circle. We can't be sure that anybody you work with hasn't been corrupted," Nezu explains. "We are planning a mission on this very day next week to take down the League in their two main bases. We expect to see you there. If you make your way to this location," he gestures to the address of a national park on the screen, "one week from today, you'll be given your task and teamed up."

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