Seeing the Glade and New Faces

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I hear a voice say up above me "Alright everyone get back to work!" I hear some shuffling and soon its just me and the two on the box. A dark skinned boy pops his head over and says, "well don't just stand there bring her up!" He then tosses a rope over.

The skinny guy holds out his hand towards me, he looks to be about 15 or 16. I look into his eyes for a moment, a wonderful brown, chocolately color that captivates me for a second before he gasps and pulls his hand away in surprise before saying,


I look confused. "Yo-your eyes are changing color" he stuttered. "They were just blue and now they're brown." I give a slight shrug like 'I dont know, dont look at me.'

He holds out his hand again. I take it hesitantly and he wraps a rope around my waist before I am pulled up out of the Box and into the, what did they call this? The Glade?

I look around and there is no one standing around save the dark skinned boy and the two from the box. I take in my surroundings and notice there are four walls with big stone doors set in the middle of each of them.

I am interrupted when a voice brings me back from my looking and says,

"My names Alby. I run this Glade. Do you remember anything?"

It was the dark skinned boy and I stared curiously at him. He looked to be about 18 or so.

"You gonna answer or not?" A rough voice says from beside me. I turn and see the eyebrow man again. I raise an eyebrow like 'did you just' and then give a quiet sigh before turning back to Alby.

I give a slight nod and than began walking away as my stomach gave a slight rumble. There was a building that had tables and benchs. Maybe I could find some food there.

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