Chapter 2

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Today was Thursday. I was bored so I went up to my room and grabbed my favorite book, the one that my dad gave me from his book store, and started reading. It was already old from all the times I've read it.

I was consumed in the story, cause it was the saddest part since he was dying. My eyes watering and practically hugging a pillow. I've read this book about a thousand times and it gets me every time. The boy is giving his last breath when I feel a big ball of hair rush towards me, seconds later I realize that it's my dog with my little sister with her damned high pitched voice.

"SKYLERSKYLERSKYLERSKYLERSKYLERSKYLEEEEEER!" She yelled in my ear. Why the fuck does that... annoying... little... girl... that I love has to yell all the fucking time?

"Why do you always come whenever something sad or interesting happens, Lucy? Can't you knock?" I say irritated.

"Because I love you, and nope" She said with a puppy dog face and making a popping sound at the end.

There was a moment of silence after that, she laid down next to me, near my neck and continued to annoy me.

"Skyler? Um... Skyleeeeeer? Hey, hey Skyler."

"What? What do you want, to take you to the park right?" I say tiredly.

"Yes!" She said with enthusiasm.

"Can't you see that I'm busy?" I point at my book.

"Reading? You've read that way too many times." She whined frustrated.

"You're not giving up are you?" I say and she nods. "Okay fine, let's go."

I tried to get up, but Blondie, my Great Dane, was lying on my stomach.

When I was little I wanted a pony for my birthday, but my dad thought it was cheaper to buy the Great Dane instead. In reality he was black, but in my weird little girl imagination he was blonde, and somehow I hoped that when he would grow up he would be blonde.

I put on his leash and I went out with Lucy to the park.

When we got to the nearest park, I sit down on a bench where a small group of old ladies were already sitting and to be honest one of them was completely adorable.

She was chubby and using a long floral dress and her bag matched her shoes.

I see Lucy playing with her friends, well I think they're her friends cause they're talking.

I turn to look in another direction and see a group of boys smoking, one of them was really cute and his face seemed familiar. The old lady I found adorable, started a conversation with me, a few minutes ago, actually... I just didn't notice until now.

She started to make a comment about the boys I was looking at, so that was when I started paying attention.

"Look at those immoral young men, smoking near children. At a park made especially for them, what a bad influence they are indeed. Where is the future of this country if every young adult is the same as that little group over there?" She yelled dramatically.

"I'm not like that." I said quietly.

"But that's because you're a sweet young lady and you'll be the only salvation for this planet." She said also dramatically.

Wow this old lady has got to be out of her mind. Fuck, I'm not sweet at all.

I watch the old lady grab her handbag, get up and head over to the boys seated near a tree. This is a pretty fun scene to watch because the boys seem intimidated by the adorable old lady.

One of them with really red hair, tosses his cigarette aside and looks with an expression of fear at the soul-saving-old-lady. Another gets up, points at her and says something. I'm not sure what he said but it was a bit rude, evidently, because what happens next is that the old lady hits him in the stomach with her handbag and it even made him grunt.

She must have rocks in there.

The boy, after falling over from the pain, is later hit in the head by a frisbee of my favorite color.

Holy shit, I would recognize that anywhere. It's Blondie's frisbee.

Who by the way, runs after the frisbee to catch it. Blondie throws himself onto the poor guy and starts licking his sexy face.

Since I hate physical activity I run towards them to take Blondie off him since he's pretty heavy.

Embarrassed I start apologizing and look at his face.

As it seems he wasn't expecting to see me and, well, neither was I... it's him.

It's him.

The guy from the party is right in front of me.

The guy I made a huge mistake with.

The guy I lost my virginity with.

Author's Note:

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