Chapter 4

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"SKYLER OH MY GOD I have to tell you the best thing that you'll hear all week!" Nico yelled excitedly.

"What is it?" I asked confused.

Shit. I was starting to get worried but then again, it's Nico; he always talks like this.

"I met someone" He made a small pause and then continued, not letting me share my opinion. "He's not your type but I like him, although he's a little too straight for my taste" He finished.

Fuck. Not this again! He tends to get obsessed with someone then the next day they don't talk to each other again.
"What's he like?" I say. Here we go again, the same old speech.

"He kinda has a beard, but you can tell he doesn't alw-" He started to say but I was tired of hearing the same thing so it made me interrupt him.

"Nico, shut up I've heard enough." I sighed.

"But I haven't even told you anything yet! Only about his beard" He murmured.

"NICO!" I interrupted again.

"Oh please Skyler, be serious for once and put yourself in my position. If it was Matt with a beard you would be on the floor drooling." Said Nico with a smirk.

"Damn it Nico! I don't about Matt that way. We're not even friends, he's just doing a favor for a friend, but that doesn't make us friends because neither him nor I have asked to be each others friend. And that's a rule. They taught me in pre-k, Nico. The basic rules of friendship and you should know how important friendship is to me." I said seriously.

Wow. I think I talked a lot.

"How did you not get tongue-tied saying that presidential speech?"

"Did I talk fast?" I like answering questions with other questions. I think I like to confuse people. HAHA.

"What are you doing this weekend, Sky?" asked Nico changing the subject.

"Nico, exams are coming up. Remember?" I said "and, I...uh... Ithinkthatimgoingtostudywithmatt." I murmured quickly.

"Huh. And then you say that you're not dating or friends." He smiled sarcastically.

I just scoffed and headed towards the door "You're just exaggerating Nico, Matt and I are- Did somebody knock on the door?"

"H-Hi Matt. Shit. Why do I always say or do something whenever you come over?" I ask mostly for myself.

"Uh? Sorry I was listening to music with my headphones."

I turned to look at Nico who said cynically "Saved by the bell Sky, or better said by the headphones." He started laughing.

"What?" said Matt looking confused.

"Nothing" we said at the same time. Then looked at each other with an expression that said 'Again? Really?' We always talk at the same time and I can't stand it.

"Um... I... left my calculus textbook..." said Matt coming in and disappearing behind the stairs.
Nico raised his eyebrows hinting something, I think I know what he means because it's obvious. He grabs his backpack and leaves without saying goodbye. Ouch.
As soon as I hear the door slam shut I hear Matt's footsteps and I quickly compose myself.

"Bye Sky." said Matt and was just about to leave

Sky. Nobody has ever called me that before, other than Nico.

"Nico is gonna get mad at you" I teased.

"W-Why?" he said getting scared.

"Because that's Nico's nickname for me, so if you call me that in front of him he's going to beat you up" I said smiling. What I really wanted to do was laugh.

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