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THE SUN was beaming down on the world below it, causing the heat to be unbearable if you were busy sitting around doing nothing. However, this blasting heat wouldn't keep future pro heros Izuku and y/n down — not when there's something more important to be done,


Your favorite past time, the best thing to do when you want to ignore all real problems — shop. I mean, Who doesnt love spending money on items you might only use once? Shopping was an escape for you and with the busy, pain inducing, stressful, courses at UA you deserve this needed break. Shopping isn't fun alone though, it's only worth while when you have others to enjoy the pleasure with. This is where your boyfriend, Izuku, comes in.

One thing about Deku is that he loves to spoil you. He likes seeing how wide you smile whenever he gets you something he knows you've had your eye on, the kisses that'll get showered on him to show your appreciation, the sparkle in your eyes as you tested his gift out.

He loved everything about you, you're nothing less than perfection to him. 

So why would he deny the goddess in front of him when you asked him to join you on your shopping adventure? The girls were all busy or not in the mood and you hated going around the store alone, feeling lonesome and bored, always ending your shopping trip early from the lack of people with you. Why would he subject you to such pain? 

Thats how he ended up at the mall with you, watching you go from shop to shop and collecting clothes easily. As you dragged him along from every aisle to multiple stores, he couldn't help but be happy. He was happy to help, to be the person who gave you input in a shirt or pants, searching for an eyeliner or blush.

In all he was happy to take care of you, feeling a sense of ease whenever he was able to appease your wishes. 

Izuku sighed as you walked away from him happily, struggling to balance all the bags he offered to take from you. "y/n, slow down!" he grumbled as he tried his best to match your pace, struggling with your bags. "I can't keep up and hold all these bags!" 

You looked over at him and raised a brow, stopping in your tracks while responding back. "Izu, I can always take one you know."

"Nonsense! I want you to enjoy yourself," He said, his relaxing tone causing your hearts to do flips. "I'll be fine, just try to slow down for me" His usual smile was on his face as he adjusted his position to handle the bags better.

You sighed while shaking your head, continuing your journey through the huge mall that you have yet to discover fully but keeping notice of your pace. Izuku was charming, exceptionally charming; never wanting to bother you or to make you lift a fingers in order to help out with anything. You appreciated the gestures, if anything they just made you swoon over him even more, but you couldn't help feeling bad that he's always assisting you with tasks you could do yourself. 

You constantly looked back to check on him, the same sweet smile plastered on his face whenever you gave him a small glance. There wasn't much you could do, even if you offered your assistance or tried your best to lighten his load he'll only reject you and continue to carry the burden. 

However, your thoughts were soon halted as you found your way in another store, captivated by all the beautiful clothes that dawned the multiple mannequins posing. You swiftly went in, quickly admiring the shirts and pants at each corner. Izuku couldn't help but admire you.

 Despite the multiple heavy bags that were filled already with clothes, the weight dragging him down by the second, the exhaustion he felt was worth it all to see you happy. He wanted to see you in your element, enjoying yourself. 

His heart squeezed at the sight of you getting excited by little knick-knacks you'd see at the register, trying on all the clothes you've seen until you've finally had enough. He loved the experience of being with you, getting dragged from aisle to aisle, helping you find something that he knew you'd look stunning in, and taking mental notes of things you've been eying but didn't get; those items will be a future present.

He's never been a huge shopper, in fact he hated going shopping for anything before he started dating you. He would rather sit at home and watch all might clips, or do the chores while his mother was away, anything that would help him avoid the shopping prison. 

However, you showed up. You came in and became the best thing that could've happened to him. You were the person who understood him best, the one he would go to the ends of the world with. The first time you ever asked him to go shopping he wanted to decline but couldn't because it was you, anything that would allow him to see you happy, in your element, it was an opportunity worth taking in his eyes.

Izuku stood there starting at you, the goofiest smile on his face as he took such an unusual time to reminisce about you and him. His head clouded with pretty pictures of all the dates you went. The multiple shopping trips you took him on, nights spent stargazing and mornings spent cloudgazing, picnics by the river. Every moment he spent with you replaying in his head like a movie, savoring each detail. 

You looked at him confused, a bundle of clothes in your hand as you waved your free hand in front of his face. "Izuku? Honey, are you alright?"

It took a moment before he finally snapped out of his little dream, looking up at you and chuckling quietly. "Sorry, I was daydreaming."

"Yea, I can tell. C'mon, I got some clothes I want to try on!" You said happily as you quickly walked to where the try on rooms were located at.

Izu followed you, continuing to balance the multiple bags he was handling. He loved seeing you so happy, seeing you get excited over a single item, seeing you try it on and falling in love with how it fits you. He enjoys the times when you can see yourself through his point of view.

Most importantly, he truly loves you.

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