Chapter 6

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"Cmon Y/N, you're coming with us!"

You almost tripped on your feet, noticing it was March 7th that had dragged you along off the train. You're not sure why you were being pulled off, but before you could even question what you're doing off the train but you notice Dan coming over to meet up with you guys. You don't even look at him, looking away from him under the guise of looking at the surroundings and being a typical tourist. 

"Y/N, you can look at me, I'm not gonna run away from you this time. That was unprofessional of me, I'm just here to do a job and so are you. So, I hope you can put what happened to one side and we can just do our job?"

You had so many questions, so many things to say but you chose to say nothing. Looking at him, you just shrug and nod at him. You had no idea what he was talking about, as it seemed he was trying to hint at something else happening between the two of you, but this wasn't the time or place to really say anything or do anything. Dan nods at you and starts to explain the reason you're here. He mentions that the people of Xianzhou Luofu needing help with signals of the Stellaron, or at least a possibility as someone had predicted the idea of Kafka turning up or at the very least a presence of something similar as the town has had an increase in monsters, criminal activity and the town needing to be evacuated, therefore us as a group are here to help and get to the bottom of what was going on. But you didn't know any of these people, so you're involvement didn't make any sense, at least not to you. You silently stand to the side while Dan, March and The Traveller come up with a plan on who to speak to, where to start and what they're going to do and when. As they continue to work through their things, you can't help but butt in. 

"uhm, I'm sorry to interrupt and throw a spanner in the works, but what am I doing here? It seems a little strange you've dragged me along with you but I have absolutely nothing to do with what's going on."

The three of them look at you completely dumbfounded. They look at you like you've just insulted them or you just punched a random bypasser. The three of them share a look between each other before they all look back at you and they all seem to huff. 

"Of course this concerns you, don't worry, you'll eventually find out why. If you don't want to do any of the fighting, that's cool with us. You don't seem the type anyway, no offence. I'm sure we can find something for you to do, maybe we can send you as a stand in talker or something, or get you to do the boring nitty gritty stuff. Don't worry about being by yourself, you'll always have someone with you."

Dan explained, you sighed but you nodded. You were glad you didn't have to do any of the fighting, but also glad you would still have something to do, even though it's going to bore you..probably. It's better than just sitting on the train, waiting for them to come back whenever they do. You fell silent again, watching them continue their conversation like you weren't even there before a female you've never seen before approaches the 4 of you, Himeko stood by her side. The female introduces herself as Tingyun and she seems confused with us being here. She looked between us and starts to talk. 

"Hello all, it seems a little confusing how you guys managed to get in here, but no worries, you'll have to excuse us not greeting you on your arrival. We've had..some issues here on the planet. You guys of course are welcome to stay here as Himeko has already explained the situation to me, although I'm still a believer of handling this ourselves as I wouldn't want to trouble anyone with our problems, let alone a group from another planet. But, in saying that, the decision is not up to me, it would be up to our General. So, if you guys will like to follow me."

She spoke in a soft voice, not one to be intimidated by. She was kind enough to let us stay so the invitation to follow and meet the General and see what he has to say seemed reasonable enough. Like the others, you follow her through the town. As Tingyun leads you through the streets, she explains what is going on and what she thinks the reason for this trouble is, even explaining the evacuation problem and why they've needed to do so. You tried to pay attention but a lot of information was being thrown at you, a lot of it not making any sense to you whatsoever. So you half listen to what's being said and just concentrating on taking in your surroundings, being at awe with the building structures, the starskiffs and the way nature and large trees planted across the city. You and the group eventually come to a stop as you approach a building, Tingyun asking you guys to wait before she disappears inside, reappearing a few moments later to open the doors to let you guys in. Walking behind the rest of the group, you do another typical touristy thing and look around at how beautiful the inside seems to be before a familiar voice seems to catch your attention. You stop in your tracks as you clock him. He also seems to clock you. He gives you a smirk before he looks to Dan.

"You should've told me you were bringing Y/N, I would've dressed more appropriately."

He looks back at you and takes some steps closer toward you. You freeze in your place. Feeling like this is some fever dream. This isn't who you expected to be here. You start to wonder if this is what the others talked about earlier, the reason you're here. Jing Yuan eventually was close enough that he was stood in front of you. He leant forward and placed a finger at your chin and lifted up your face so you were looking at him. 

"Hi Y/N, welcome back."

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