Chapter 10

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"General we need you to come with us."

He excuses himself and he leaves you alone in the meeting room. The door closes and now you're alone. You look around and back at the peace of paper, the only thing filling the room again was the scribble of the pen on the papers. You continue to draw what you were asked. After a good 20 minutes, you finished drawing as best as you can where you were and what the orb looked like. Sitting straight up in the chair, leaning back and you look at the drawing and you shrug, thinking you did decently. You get up out of your chair, stretching your arms and legs and letting out a yawn, you look toward the door. It'd been a little while since the guys bust into the room to get Jing Yuans attention. It must've been something serious if it was still grabbing his attention. You look away from the door, not wanting to seem like you're interrupting something, you head toward the window to look over the city. The city was beautiful. Until it wasn't. Your head begins to ache, feeling faint and dizzy. Then you fell.


You wake up in a room, not recognising where you're at. The room doesn't seem to be familiar to you. At least you don't remember. You look around and see the space in the bed next to you is ruffled, like someone has recently gotten out of bed. You're not sure who's been sharing a bed with you. It feels like you've just woken up from a weird dream and you shake your head to wake yourself up before climbing out of bed. Stretching your body after standing up, shaking your arms and legs before leaving the room with a yawn. You were still in your pyjamas as you made your way towards the bathroom. The door was open, thankfully, so you head inside and close and lock the door behind you. You do your business, flushing after and heading to the sink. You look up into the mirror while washing you're hands to look at your reflection and you can't help but notice how tired you seem to look. You shake your head, turning off the water and using the towel that's hanging up to dry your hands and you leave the bathroom. When you return to the hallway, something seems off. You have another gut feeling but you can't seem to put your finger on it.

"Not this again."

You mumble to yourself, getting fed up now that you always seem to be getting these weird feelings before you're about to find something out. It's almost like you're stuck with a 6th sense to prepare yourself before finding something you shouldn't. You head back to the room you woke up in, the area looking familiar to the place you had back on Earth and you just start to feel more at ease. You just chuck the feeling of uneasiness down to you just being nervous or having a bad dream and you head to the closet to get changed. Finding something to wear, getting changed before making your bed and making your through the hallway and heading for the stairs. On your way down the hallway, you notice a door slightly ajar, the room looking dark considering it's light outside. You head over to the door, starting to hear several noises coming from the room. You gulp nervously and you can't help but wonder what's in the room and what's happening, walking quietly to avoid startling whoever was in there. Your heart racing as you approach the door, slowly and quietly open the door. Seeing who was inside and what they were doing, your heart sank. It was Dan Heng. Having sex with another girl. So this is why it feels normal. You just stood there silently, watching him and the woman enjoying their time together. You take a picture and a 30 second video. At some point, the female gets turned over and she lets out a gasp as she notices you at the door. Dan looks to the door and see you, quickly stopping what he was doing and he rushes to you, trying to push you out and explaining himself but his gibberish falls on deaf ears. You can't help but stare at the woman on the bed. She looks like it's someone you've met before. But you can't figure out why or where. You're eventually out of the room from Dan pushing you and you snap, pushing him back almost knocking him over from the strength you used from the adrenaline rushing through your body.

"You stick one more finger on me and I'll give you a reason to hit me. Stay away from me. I can't believe you'd do this to me."

You feel a ring on your finger that you hadn't clocked before, looking down at your hand, you remove the ring and throw it at him. You scowl at him and you huff, a lump forming in your throat and your eyes start to water.

"Go marry her instead. Stay away from me. Don't contact me again. Both of you can get out of my house."

While you were arguing with Dan, the woman in the room gathered her things and was dressed, leaving as soon as you yelled at both of them to leave. Dan tried to argue with you but you weren't having it, he eventually took the hint and grabbed his own things before leaving after the woman, slamming the door behind him. After this, the tears started to bawl from your eyes, your eyes being clouded from the tears. You had things to do today but you decided to text everyone you know, showing the proof of Dan cheating on you and letting them know the wedding was off. You make your way back to your room, heading back into bed. Pulling the blanket over you, bringing it up to your shoulders and you cried yourself to sleep.


You eventually wake up, slowly opening your eyes. You hear a bunch of machines beeping, a few mumbles around you. A lot of different noises and you look around confused, in a bit of a daze. Your sight eventually comes around and you noticed Dan Heng, March 7th, Traveller and Jing Yuan standing in your room and around your bed. They all look relived and happy to see you were awake. You didn't know where you were or why everyone was here. Looking around the room, you see you're attached to a machine, a doctor standing beside you with a smile and you look back around before your eyes connect to March 7ths. Then it hit you. You started to cry. She looks at you confused and tilts her head a little and scratches the back of her head nervously.

"You.... It was you.... You're the girl Dan Heng cheated on me with. Get out... Get out!"

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